How did this cult get so many extra/special rights? How has this cult received so many legal/social protections? How has this rainbow movement gained so much footing so quickly? Why are the politicians and law-makers so intrigued and bamboozled by this cult? How are educators, and anyone who claims to care about children involved in pushing this agenda?
From my own life's knowledge and experience as an EX-gay man, and as a former transgender & prostitute, allow me to give insight on something that nobody is talking about; but everyone is asking. The answer is simple; perversion. Take the information in this blog post and do what you will with it; if you feel led to do anything at all.
I WAS a member and advocate of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult for 30+ years, I was also trans-identified for 20+ years. I am a victim of this cult in more ways than we could ever begin to delve into. I was also a transgender prostitute back when transgenderism was not pushed, or encouraged, or protected, or promoted. It was actually looked down upon. Trans people were seen as the mentally unstable individuals they were.
This cult damaged me severely between the ages of 5 to 10 years old. I was so damaged and so very broken that my only escape from the trauma and angst was to believe that I was a girl trapped in a boy body. I believed the lie of being "born in the wrong body." I also had numerous sex partners; I'd been molested more times than I could ever recall. I was recruited into this cult.
To understand how we have laws protecting this cult and their assault on children, we must first understand who exactly falls into the "TransQueer" category. Please bear with me because this is a very detailed blog post, but more important than anything I've ever written or exposed.
There is a huge difference between a gender dysphoric person and being an AGP (autogynephile). This is very important only because it gives true insight into how we have gotten to the place we now find ourselves in and how the TransQueer agenda has expanded and gained ground.
The TransQueer Umbrella covers all of the individuals that identify as "trans." However, many that fall into the "trans" category are not gender dysphoric or confused about their sex. Many that fall into that category are sexually deviant individuals that suffer from serious oppression and possession.
While “gender-dysphoria” or “gender identity disorder” is a mental disorder in & of itself, let’s see what other mental disorders fall under the same umbrella because the individuals suffering from these mental and sexual disorders can identify as “trans” or “gender-dysphoric” or “transgender” or "queer" etc... etc... etc...
AGP or autogynephile – Males that are sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as women (but do not actually want to become women) and/or wearing women's clothing (especially undergarments).
Transvestites – Males/Females that are sexually aroused by wearing opposite-sex clothing.
Fetishists – a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc
What is a "paraphilia?"
Paraphilia - condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme and/or dangerous activities. *Some examples of paraphilias: pedophilia, rape, AGP, bestiality, transvestism, and this list can go on and on.*
Those who suffer with these conditions, or paraphilias, are also those who fall under that bright, colorful & shiny “TransQueer Rainbow Umbrella” and these individuals can, and do, label themselves as "trans." These are the individuals that are fighting so viciously to be allowed into women’s bathrooms, spas, locker rooms, showers, clubs and even women's prison cells!
How does this happen??? Men in power. I truly believe that women are merely casualties of this war against mankind, and specifically man.
And before you go rolling your eyes, I am NOT a feminist, nor am I a “TERF.” I am a man that spent 30+ years as a member, ally & advocate of/for the lgbTQia+ Trans-Queer Rainbow Cult as well as a man that spent 20+ years of his life identifying as a Trans-Identified “Woman.” I am also a registered sex-offender directly linked to the perversion, sex-trafficking and abuse that I suffered as a child, teen and young adult by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult.
Men in Power... the judges, politicians (local & federal), lawmakers, CEO’s of million/billion dollar companies, actors, influential wealthy people and let's not forget the medical professionals. Many of these men suffer one or more of those paraphilias mentioned above, and these men are not standing against the immorality of transitioning, mutilating, sterilization or butchering of children, or even allowing males into female spaces because they themselves (these men in power) are saturated in the perversions of TransQueer deviance and sexual perversions.
The immoral find it extremely hard, if not impossible, to stand up against immorality, no matter how much they may disagree with it! As porn has enveloped the world; those individuals too suffer from perversion. When someone lives in immorality they will find it very difficult to stand against immorality, out of fear their own immorality be revealed.
Whether these men suffer from a paraphilia named above or are consumed by another mental disorder like pedophilia, porn-addiction, satanic-ritual-abuse (SRA), narcissisms, sex-trafficking, sexual abuse, and the list goes on, these men are laughing behind closed doors as they promote, push, fund, affirm, encourage and celebrate these once hidden shameful activities; this includes pushing bills and laws that further the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda that give extra/special rights to mentally disabled individuals. ALL trans-identified people have a mental disorder and need HELP, NOT HORMONES!
And when do we start to protect the mentally ill from having their mental illness promoted, encouraged, pushed and affirmed?
As an EX-trans-identified individual and a former trans-prostitute of MANY years; I have seen, dealt with, and befriended many of these men that I have mentioned above. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that you would be amazed & shocked at just how many married, clean-cut, successful men, even some sitting in chambers voting on laws & bills, are wearing women’s panties, garters or stockings underneath their business suits, judges robes, uniforms, etc…
These men have been my clients and I know how warped and demented these men are, and can be! I have personally experienced the perversions, the outrage and the very dangerous physical attacks of some of my clients to where I thought my life would end. I've had judges, lawyers, powerful businessmen, politicians, even a few Hellywood actors, etc etc etc... come into my home or motel room and take off their manly clothing only to reveal women's lingerie. Some of these men wearing their own wives' panties & undergarments.
So, it is not a stretch to know that because of their own immorality, fetishes, and mental disorders that these men will not only remain silent when faced with the immoral, fetishist mental disorders that fall under the Trans-Umbrella as this Cult marches on, but they will do whatever they can to protect their own debauchery, AND their own secret fantasies & perversions!
Many of them are creating bills and passing laws to protect this ungodly and perverted cult. Some have even "come out" as trans and put on a good act for society. Trust me when I say they are so perverted that their judgement should be questioned on every single topic! Plus, these men should not be trusted with or around children or women.
How many principals in the public/government school system are secretly wearing women’s panties at work?? They are being constantly sexually aroused as they gently and innocently rest their hand on a child’s shoulder or as they pat a child on the head. What comes next?
How many teachers suffer from paraphilias that are going untreated as these sexually obsessive desires grow out of control? How many children sit in their classrooms being lusted after? Is this a chance anyone is willing to take? Especially during a time when pornographic/obscene materials are being presented to children, in the name of 'art,' around every corner in culture, society and in their classrooms!
How many judges are hearing cases of children victimized and then allow their ruling to be influenced by the stirring in their loins, as they sit on the bench wearing women’s stockings under their robes: sexually aroused?
How many women will be locked in a cell tonight with a male (that identifies as trans) that has committed heinous sex crimes against women and/or children? How many of those women will be raped, impregnated or worse? One would be too many, or should I say ONE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
How many politicians or law-makers will cast their vote to further the lgbTQia+ Trans Queer Rainbow Agenda while enveloped in their own sexually immoral fetishes, fantasies or desires?
Honestly, how many people do you think would stand up against immorality and the sexualization of children while they suffer from a mental disorder or paraphilia that would place them under the protection of that bright, glittery, colorful Rainbow Umbrella? Some of them wish they could "come out" as well, but since they don’t (because of their own moral compass) they will promote, encourage, vote for, affirm and celebrate the chaos and turmoil parading around as “diversity, equity and inclusivity.”
Please heed these words. I don't claim to have all of the answers but THIS I know, and I know it very well. THIS is where I can be of use. As an EX-gay, EX-trans, EX-pervert, and as one that spent 30+ years enveloped in that perversion, as a man that identified as a transwoman for over 20 years, as one that has learned more about this cult than most, and as one that is ready, willing & able to expose this dark mass of political wickedness.... PLEASE take this information and utilize it.
I do not believe things will get better, nor do I think that the public/government schools are redeemable... but we must PREPARE THE WAY for those who have been deceived, confused, abused and used by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult... and the perversion that has enveloped this world.
We must reach into the flames to yank them out regardless if we get burned or not.
From my own life's knowledge and experience as an EX-gay man, and as a former transgender & prostitute, allow me to give insight on something that nobody is talking about; but everyone is asking. The answer is simple; perversion. Take the information in this blog post and do what you will with it; if you feel led to do anything at all.
I WAS a member and advocate of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult for 30+ years, I was also trans-identified for 20+ years. I am a victim of this cult in more ways than we could ever begin to delve into. I was also a transgender prostitute back when transgenderism was not pushed, or encouraged, or protected, or promoted. It was actually looked down upon. Trans people were seen as the mentally unstable individuals they were.
This cult damaged me severely between the ages of 5 to 10 years old. I was so damaged and so very broken that my only escape from the trauma and angst was to believe that I was a girl trapped in a boy body. I believed the lie of being "born in the wrong body." I also had numerous sex partners; I'd been molested more times than I could ever recall. I was recruited into this cult.
To understand how we have laws protecting this cult and their assault on children, we must first understand who exactly falls into the "TransQueer" category. Please bear with me because this is a very detailed blog post, but more important than anything I've ever written or exposed.
There is a huge difference between a gender dysphoric person and being an AGP (autogynephile). This is very important only because it gives true insight into how we have gotten to the place we now find ourselves in and how the TransQueer agenda has expanded and gained ground.
The TransQueer Umbrella covers all of the individuals that identify as "trans." However, many that fall into the "trans" category are not gender dysphoric or confused about their sex. Many that fall into that category are sexually deviant individuals that suffer from serious oppression and possession.
While “gender-dysphoria” or “gender identity disorder” is a mental disorder in & of itself, let’s see what other mental disorders fall under the same umbrella because the individuals suffering from these mental and sexual disorders can identify as “trans” or “gender-dysphoric” or “transgender” or "queer" etc... etc... etc...
AGP or autogynephile – Males that are sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as women (but do not actually want to become women) and/or wearing women's clothing (especially undergarments).
Transvestites – Males/Females that are sexually aroused by wearing opposite-sex clothing.
Fetishists – a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc
What is a "paraphilia?"
Paraphilia - condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme and/or dangerous activities. *Some examples of paraphilias: pedophilia, rape, AGP, bestiality, transvestism, and this list can go on and on.*
Those who suffer with these conditions, or paraphilias, are also those who fall under that bright, colorful & shiny “TransQueer Rainbow Umbrella” and these individuals can, and do, label themselves as "trans." These are the individuals that are fighting so viciously to be allowed into women’s bathrooms, spas, locker rooms, showers, clubs and even women's prison cells!
How does this happen??? Men in power. I truly believe that women are merely casualties of this war against mankind, and specifically man.
And before you go rolling your eyes, I am NOT a feminist, nor am I a “TERF.” I am a man that spent 30+ years as a member, ally & advocate of/for the lgbTQia+ Trans-Queer Rainbow Cult as well as a man that spent 20+ years of his life identifying as a Trans-Identified “Woman.” I am also a registered sex-offender directly linked to the perversion, sex-trafficking and abuse that I suffered as a child, teen and young adult by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult.
Men in Power... the judges, politicians (local & federal), lawmakers, CEO’s of million/billion dollar companies, actors, influential wealthy people and let's not forget the medical professionals. Many of these men suffer one or more of those paraphilias mentioned above, and these men are not standing against the immorality of transitioning, mutilating, sterilization or butchering of children, or even allowing males into female spaces because they themselves (these men in power) are saturated in the perversions of TransQueer deviance and sexual perversions.
The immoral find it extremely hard, if not impossible, to stand up against immorality, no matter how much they may disagree with it! As porn has enveloped the world; those individuals too suffer from perversion. When someone lives in immorality they will find it very difficult to stand against immorality, out of fear their own immorality be revealed.
Whether these men suffer from a paraphilia named above or are consumed by another mental disorder like pedophilia, porn-addiction, satanic-ritual-abuse (SRA), narcissisms, sex-trafficking, sexual abuse, and the list goes on, these men are laughing behind closed doors as they promote, push, fund, affirm, encourage and celebrate these once hidden shameful activities; this includes pushing bills and laws that further the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda that give extra/special rights to mentally disabled individuals. ALL trans-identified people have a mental disorder and need HELP, NOT HORMONES!
And when do we start to protect the mentally ill from having their mental illness promoted, encouraged, pushed and affirmed?
As an EX-trans-identified individual and a former trans-prostitute of MANY years; I have seen, dealt with, and befriended many of these men that I have mentioned above. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that you would be amazed & shocked at just how many married, clean-cut, successful men, even some sitting in chambers voting on laws & bills, are wearing women’s panties, garters or stockings underneath their business suits, judges robes, uniforms, etc…
These men have been my clients and I know how warped and demented these men are, and can be! I have personally experienced the perversions, the outrage and the very dangerous physical attacks of some of my clients to where I thought my life would end. I've had judges, lawyers, powerful businessmen, politicians, even a few Hellywood actors, etc etc etc... come into my home or motel room and take off their manly clothing only to reveal women's lingerie. Some of these men wearing their own wives' panties & undergarments.
So, it is not a stretch to know that because of their own immorality, fetishes, and mental disorders that these men will not only remain silent when faced with the immoral, fetishist mental disorders that fall under the Trans-Umbrella as this Cult marches on, but they will do whatever they can to protect their own debauchery, AND their own secret fantasies & perversions!
Many of them are creating bills and passing laws to protect this ungodly and perverted cult. Some have even "come out" as trans and put on a good act for society. Trust me when I say they are so perverted that their judgement should be questioned on every single topic! Plus, these men should not be trusted with or around children or women.
How many principals in the public/government school system are secretly wearing women’s panties at work?? They are being constantly sexually aroused as they gently and innocently rest their hand on a child’s shoulder or as they pat a child on the head. What comes next?
How many teachers suffer from paraphilias that are going untreated as these sexually obsessive desires grow out of control? How many children sit in their classrooms being lusted after? Is this a chance anyone is willing to take? Especially during a time when pornographic/obscene materials are being presented to children, in the name of 'art,' around every corner in culture, society and in their classrooms!
How many judges are hearing cases of children victimized and then allow their ruling to be influenced by the stirring in their loins, as they sit on the bench wearing women’s stockings under their robes: sexually aroused?
How many women will be locked in a cell tonight with a male (that identifies as trans) that has committed heinous sex crimes against women and/or children? How many of those women will be raped, impregnated or worse? One would be too many, or should I say ONE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
How many politicians or law-makers will cast their vote to further the lgbTQia+ Trans Queer Rainbow Agenda while enveloped in their own sexually immoral fetishes, fantasies or desires?
Honestly, how many people do you think would stand up against immorality and the sexualization of children while they suffer from a mental disorder or paraphilia that would place them under the protection of that bright, glittery, colorful Rainbow Umbrella? Some of them wish they could "come out" as well, but since they don’t (because of their own moral compass) they will promote, encourage, vote for, affirm and celebrate the chaos and turmoil parading around as “diversity, equity and inclusivity.”
Please heed these words. I don't claim to have all of the answers but THIS I know, and I know it very well. THIS is where I can be of use. As an EX-gay, EX-trans, EX-pervert, and as one that spent 30+ years enveloped in that perversion, as a man that identified as a transwoman for over 20 years, as one that has learned more about this cult than most, and as one that is ready, willing & able to expose this dark mass of political wickedness.... PLEASE take this information and utilize it.
I do not believe things will get better, nor do I think that the public/government schools are redeemable... but we must PREPARE THE WAY for those who have been deceived, confused, abused and used by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult... and the perversion that has enveloped this world.
We must reach into the flames to yank them out regardless if we get burned or not.