David has a powerful testimony of deliverance from a very dark life; including prostitution, sex-trafficking, gender confusion/transgenderism and gender dysphoria, as well as molestation, homosexuality, rape, drugs, alcohol, gambling, and so on. He was also healed on his deathbed from full blown AIDS, having no immune system, with several infections in his brain & blood, severe progressive Osteoporosis, diabetes, various mental issues, etc..
David was sexually abused from around the age of 5 or 6. A sex addict before he became a teenager. David was the suicidal transkid always brought into the debates or arguments to push the TransQueer agenda, he that overdosed on pills at age 13, was a runaway prostitute that contracted HIV/AIDS at age 14. After being in & out of jail, psych wards, and prison; he, by age 37, ended up on his deathbed with no hope, and hospice in place. That was in 2009. But GOD!!
With his body weakening in a hospital bed that was placed in his home, David knew hell was what he deserved for all of the horrible things he had done to others in his lifetime. He cried out in desperation. Afraid to die and not wanting to go to hell. David had finally hit rock bottom.
He was so far gone that the doctors sent him home to die, giving him less than 3 months to live. One day he woke up with an incredible Peace, what he calls his "Moment of Grace." A Peace like he had never experienced. He was free of gender confusion, the addictions and the weight of sin that held him captive for his entire life! He had clarity. David still believed he was going to die, but he was no longer afraid of death. He was at Peace. David began praying that through his death others would come to know the Truth as well, and get saved.
David's bones got stronger. He no longer used a walker to get around. He was standing up straight, he hadn't done so in almost 2 years. Then the doctors told him his diabetes was mysteriously gone. After that, the HIV/AIDS virus was no longer detectable in his system. His immune system returned. Chronic Major Depression, bipolar, anxiety, PTSD and many other "diagnoses" were just gone.
You don't want to miss hearing David tell of the Freedom that is available from any & all addiction, strongholds, perversions and even habits, as well as how, in this process, he was allowed to see, with clarity, that he was created male and could never change that. He received clarity that his circumstances & trauma perverted a natural desire for male affirmation into what we call same-sex attraction. David tried to live as a "gay Christian" but quickly discovered it was not possible to claim that false identity and walk in a right relationship with GOD.
Since his "Moment of Grace" and being rescued from the cesspools of gender dysphoria, the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult and all of the lust-filled activity of homosexuality & perversion, David walked in "The Way" for 11+ years and then left the path GOD placed him on, to learn some valuable lessons on ministering to those trapped in the deceptions of same-sex attraction, perversion and transgenderism.
David has learned to give GOD Glory for all of the amazing & miraculous work HE has done in, with and through his life. David now sees clearly that nobody can be same-sex attracted (homosexual/gay), and still remain in a right relationship with The FATHER! It is just not possible.
David says, begin quote ~ "I know what I've said in the past about same-sex attraction, I was wrong. Same-sex attraction is not a part of our design. It is a part of our fallen & broken nature.
You can not be same-sex attracted and be a Christian. You can not be in a same-sex relationship and be a Christian."
David has always been transparent about his criminal past, he states, begin quote ~ "I recognize the power in transparency which is why I have always been very open about my criminal record, and have never tried to hide anything. So, this is all of the details...
I befriended a woman, also a drug-addict, who abandoned her 12 year old son at my apartment. When I called Child Protective Services and reported her, word quickly got back to her that I called CPS. The grapevine in the lgbTQia+ TransQueer rainbow world is maliciously active. She came and got her son that night.
The next day I was greeted by two detectives who asked me lots of disturbing questions. These men were disgusted by my appearance as a transgender woman. They accused me of exposing myself to the 12 year old boy who was left in my home. The boy had obviously been coached as what to say because these detectives truly thought I was guilty, or maybe they just wanted me to be because I was a man with breasts. They didn’t arrest me at that point, but they did tell me not to leave town. So, I left town.
I went back home to Philadelphia. I now had a warrant in Florida for my arrest; “lewd and lascivious acts in the presence of a minor". Sadly, the law says if you run then you must be guilty! That's not always so. Philadelphia welcomed me home with charges for prostitution, aggravated assault and various other crimes I'd never went to court for.
I was twenty-two years old, I was so confused about my own identity, lost, broken, trans-identified (gender confused) male living as a "woman" and I was HIV+ and a victim of molestation and sex-trafficking. To say that my mind was warped and that my state of awareness was destroyed would be an understatement.
I was eventually sent to jail. There I became a “commodity.”
I was extradited from Philadelphia to a county jail in Orlando, Florida, where I was not only a commodity, but the new “girl” in town. I was used & abused there as well. Eventually I was released on probation.
The court case went like this: Upon my arrest, my family retained an attorney for me, who came into court, saw me, and told me to take "the deal" (the plea offer) that the state was offering. She said if I took my case to trial, I would lose without a doubt, because I looked like a woman but I was a man. She said I'd get 20+ years because nobody would believe I was innocent because of my "lifestyle."
This attorney told me that from my appearance and proclaimed transgenderism alone, there was no jury or judge who would look at me as being innocent. In society’s eyes I was a man who had breasts and was a “sexual freak of nature, a pervert.” Imagine an attorney saying that today! She'd have been disbarred, maybe even brought up on charges. The lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Mafia would've went after her bigtime!
Anyways, for those who do not know what a plea offer is, it is an admission of guilt without having to say the word guilty. So I took the plea offer and accepted 10 years probation for a crime I did not commit, “a lewd and lascivious act in the presence of a minor.”
I was arrested on a probation violation for drugs, prostitution and robbing a gas station. I was also charged with failing to register (comply) at the time as well. During the sting operation it was discovered that my "boyfriend," who was with me in our hotel room, was 14/15 years old. This did not look good for me as a "convicted sex offender" and so I was given the option of another charge or to "cash in" my probation in exchange for state prison time. I chose the state prison time.
I have since then come to the conclusion that, even though I was not guilty of the original crime I was charged with, I was indeed guilty of the crime itself in that I DID chase after teenage boys, and young men in general, and I DID lure them into my dark web of sexual gratification and deception. I recruited boys into the cult, just as I'd been recruited.
I made the choice to become that monster, and I know it was a choice, because I would eventually choose not to do any of those things. I also watched how common it was for youth to be “recruited” (another word for targeted, desensitized, sexualized, groomed, molested, victimized, conditioned & criminalized) into that dark movement of deception.
This is what is happening now. This is why I air my own dirty laundry, in hopes of others waking up to this delusion of rainbows & unicorns.
I was far from alone in this, but I don't say this to shift blame or make excuses for what I've personally done; but to make people aware of what is going on within this bright colorful rainbow of love cult. A very large portion of the dark lgbTQia+ TransQueer Rainbow Cult members engage in the sexualization of youth. Look at what's happening with all of the perversions being allowed into classrooms and libraries.
"Groomed to groom" is the rainbow cults forte'.
This is one reason so many young adults today are on the streets, on drugs, drinking, being abused, used, entrapped in porn, sex-trafficking, prostitution, stripping, all types of immorality, etc.
I attracted & seduced teenage boys by the way I looked and dressed, not to mention how I enticed them with sex & material things. This was the behavior that I experienced as a child. Programmed, or "conditioned" is what each of these youth become, just as I did.
This is what I saw and this is what I learned from the depths of the lgbTQia+ TransQueer rainbow movement. It stares us all in the face right now as we see the drag-queen shows in schools or being held and advertised as "child friendly" or "for all ages" when they're not suitable for most adults! The prideful & sexual marches of lewdness & perversion that people bring their children to bear witness to!
What is wrong with us!!
The majority of this movement has been luring/seducing youth into that dark world for decades; using them up sexually, profiting off of them, passing them around and then discarding them like common garbage when they are of no more "use" to them. The end result leaves many of these victims as alcoholics & drug addicts, on some type of psyche medications, prostituting themselves because they have no self-love or worth, as well as getting into the porn industry & sex-trafficking rings. They've been "groomed to groom."
Yes, I was guilty of perpetrating this very thing. And no, I am not afraid to tell the truth because this is why I've made it through the storms and survived. For such a time as this!
I got out of prison in 2006. I have not so much as had a traffic ticket since. I truly am a new man; Redeemed; Justified; Free; A New Creation. I am a grateful, honored and Blessed man to have been given a second chance to right the wrongs and expose this cult that is hellbent on enveloping culture and society, but especially the children!
NOBODY should endure not one iota of what I endured! That is why I press forward. That is why I do what I do.
I wanted to give comment to a few of the false comments being made by a small group of trans-activist extremists that go out of their way to post my sex offender registry status all over the internet and wherever they can find an audience as this is a very weak attempt to silence me. THEY hate when I speak out and expose their wicked ways!
I was NOT charged with multiple counts of ANYTHING (except prostitution). The ONLY reason I am a "lifetime registrant" in the state of Maine is because I came from another state when I moved to Maine. The reason my charge is listed as "sex offense against child fondling" is because the statute number for my charge in Florida is different here in Maine. That's it. That's all.
I am NOT deemed a predator, nor do I have ANY restrictions on where I can go, who I can be around or things I must adhere to like probation, therapy, etc... I am FREE and have NO STATE GUIDED RESTRICTIONS or RESPONSIBILITIES, except what any other law abiding citizen has.
My past is always being used as a way to attack or discredit my testimony and silence me; when in fact, it only strengthens my testimony and gives proof of what this cult does to youth. I can NOT be silenced and I WILL NOT be silenced. I will keep exposing the agenda of this cult until it is stopped!" end quote
David was sexually abused from around the age of 5 or 6. A sex addict before he became a teenager. David was the suicidal transkid always brought into the debates or arguments to push the TransQueer agenda, he that overdosed on pills at age 13, was a runaway prostitute that contracted HIV/AIDS at age 14. After being in & out of jail, psych wards, and prison; he, by age 37, ended up on his deathbed with no hope, and hospice in place. That was in 2009. But GOD!!
With his body weakening in a hospital bed that was placed in his home, David knew hell was what he deserved for all of the horrible things he had done to others in his lifetime. He cried out in desperation. Afraid to die and not wanting to go to hell. David had finally hit rock bottom.
He was so far gone that the doctors sent him home to die, giving him less than 3 months to live. One day he woke up with an incredible Peace, what he calls his "Moment of Grace." A Peace like he had never experienced. He was free of gender confusion, the addictions and the weight of sin that held him captive for his entire life! He had clarity. David still believed he was going to die, but he was no longer afraid of death. He was at Peace. David began praying that through his death others would come to know the Truth as well, and get saved.
David's bones got stronger. He no longer used a walker to get around. He was standing up straight, he hadn't done so in almost 2 years. Then the doctors told him his diabetes was mysteriously gone. After that, the HIV/AIDS virus was no longer detectable in his system. His immune system returned. Chronic Major Depression, bipolar, anxiety, PTSD and many other "diagnoses" were just gone.
You don't want to miss hearing David tell of the Freedom that is available from any & all addiction, strongholds, perversions and even habits, as well as how, in this process, he was allowed to see, with clarity, that he was created male and could never change that. He received clarity that his circumstances & trauma perverted a natural desire for male affirmation into what we call same-sex attraction. David tried to live as a "gay Christian" but quickly discovered it was not possible to claim that false identity and walk in a right relationship with GOD.
Since his "Moment of Grace" and being rescued from the cesspools of gender dysphoria, the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult and all of the lust-filled activity of homosexuality & perversion, David walked in "The Way" for 11+ years and then left the path GOD placed him on, to learn some valuable lessons on ministering to those trapped in the deceptions of same-sex attraction, perversion and transgenderism.
David has learned to give GOD Glory for all of the amazing & miraculous work HE has done in, with and through his life. David now sees clearly that nobody can be same-sex attracted (homosexual/gay), and still remain in a right relationship with The FATHER! It is just not possible.
David says, begin quote ~ "I know what I've said in the past about same-sex attraction, I was wrong. Same-sex attraction is not a part of our design. It is a part of our fallen & broken nature.
You can not be same-sex attracted and be a Christian. You can not be in a same-sex relationship and be a Christian."
David has always been transparent about his criminal past, he states, begin quote ~ "I recognize the power in transparency which is why I have always been very open about my criminal record, and have never tried to hide anything. So, this is all of the details...
I befriended a woman, also a drug-addict, who abandoned her 12 year old son at my apartment. When I called Child Protective Services and reported her, word quickly got back to her that I called CPS. The grapevine in the lgbTQia+ TransQueer rainbow world is maliciously active. She came and got her son that night.
The next day I was greeted by two detectives who asked me lots of disturbing questions. These men were disgusted by my appearance as a transgender woman. They accused me of exposing myself to the 12 year old boy who was left in my home. The boy had obviously been coached as what to say because these detectives truly thought I was guilty, or maybe they just wanted me to be because I was a man with breasts. They didn’t arrest me at that point, but they did tell me not to leave town. So, I left town.
I went back home to Philadelphia. I now had a warrant in Florida for my arrest; “lewd and lascivious acts in the presence of a minor". Sadly, the law says if you run then you must be guilty! That's not always so. Philadelphia welcomed me home with charges for prostitution, aggravated assault and various other crimes I'd never went to court for.
I was twenty-two years old, I was so confused about my own identity, lost, broken, trans-identified (gender confused) male living as a "woman" and I was HIV+ and a victim of molestation and sex-trafficking. To say that my mind was warped and that my state of awareness was destroyed would be an understatement.
I was eventually sent to jail. There I became a “commodity.”
I was extradited from Philadelphia to a county jail in Orlando, Florida, where I was not only a commodity, but the new “girl” in town. I was used & abused there as well. Eventually I was released on probation.
The court case went like this: Upon my arrest, my family retained an attorney for me, who came into court, saw me, and told me to take "the deal" (the plea offer) that the state was offering. She said if I took my case to trial, I would lose without a doubt, because I looked like a woman but I was a man. She said I'd get 20+ years because nobody would believe I was innocent because of my "lifestyle."
This attorney told me that from my appearance and proclaimed transgenderism alone, there was no jury or judge who would look at me as being innocent. In society’s eyes I was a man who had breasts and was a “sexual freak of nature, a pervert.” Imagine an attorney saying that today! She'd have been disbarred, maybe even brought up on charges. The lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Mafia would've went after her bigtime!
Anyways, for those who do not know what a plea offer is, it is an admission of guilt without having to say the word guilty. So I took the plea offer and accepted 10 years probation for a crime I did not commit, “a lewd and lascivious act in the presence of a minor.”
I was arrested on a probation violation for drugs, prostitution and robbing a gas station. I was also charged with failing to register (comply) at the time as well. During the sting operation it was discovered that my "boyfriend," who was with me in our hotel room, was 14/15 years old. This did not look good for me as a "convicted sex offender" and so I was given the option of another charge or to "cash in" my probation in exchange for state prison time. I chose the state prison time.
I have since then come to the conclusion that, even though I was not guilty of the original crime I was charged with, I was indeed guilty of the crime itself in that I DID chase after teenage boys, and young men in general, and I DID lure them into my dark web of sexual gratification and deception. I recruited boys into the cult, just as I'd been recruited.
I made the choice to become that monster, and I know it was a choice, because I would eventually choose not to do any of those things. I also watched how common it was for youth to be “recruited” (another word for targeted, desensitized, sexualized, groomed, molested, victimized, conditioned & criminalized) into that dark movement of deception.
This is what is happening now. This is why I air my own dirty laundry, in hopes of others waking up to this delusion of rainbows & unicorns.
I was far from alone in this, but I don't say this to shift blame or make excuses for what I've personally done; but to make people aware of what is going on within this bright colorful rainbow of love cult. A very large portion of the dark lgbTQia+ TransQueer Rainbow Cult members engage in the sexualization of youth. Look at what's happening with all of the perversions being allowed into classrooms and libraries.
"Groomed to groom" is the rainbow cults forte'.
This is one reason so many young adults today are on the streets, on drugs, drinking, being abused, used, entrapped in porn, sex-trafficking, prostitution, stripping, all types of immorality, etc.
I attracted & seduced teenage boys by the way I looked and dressed, not to mention how I enticed them with sex & material things. This was the behavior that I experienced as a child. Programmed, or "conditioned" is what each of these youth become, just as I did.
This is what I saw and this is what I learned from the depths of the lgbTQia+ TransQueer rainbow movement. It stares us all in the face right now as we see the drag-queen shows in schools or being held and advertised as "child friendly" or "for all ages" when they're not suitable for most adults! The prideful & sexual marches of lewdness & perversion that people bring their children to bear witness to!
What is wrong with us!!
The majority of this movement has been luring/seducing youth into that dark world for decades; using them up sexually, profiting off of them, passing them around and then discarding them like common garbage when they are of no more "use" to them. The end result leaves many of these victims as alcoholics & drug addicts, on some type of psyche medications, prostituting themselves because they have no self-love or worth, as well as getting into the porn industry & sex-trafficking rings. They've been "groomed to groom."
Yes, I was guilty of perpetrating this very thing. And no, I am not afraid to tell the truth because this is why I've made it through the storms and survived. For such a time as this!
I got out of prison in 2006. I have not so much as had a traffic ticket since. I truly am a new man; Redeemed; Justified; Free; A New Creation. I am a grateful, honored and Blessed man to have been given a second chance to right the wrongs and expose this cult that is hellbent on enveloping culture and society, but especially the children!
NOBODY should endure not one iota of what I endured! That is why I press forward. That is why I do what I do.
I wanted to give comment to a few of the false comments being made by a small group of trans-activist extremists that go out of their way to post my sex offender registry status all over the internet and wherever they can find an audience as this is a very weak attempt to silence me. THEY hate when I speak out and expose their wicked ways!
I was NOT charged with multiple counts of ANYTHING (except prostitution). The ONLY reason I am a "lifetime registrant" in the state of Maine is because I came from another state when I moved to Maine. The reason my charge is listed as "sex offense against child fondling" is because the statute number for my charge in Florida is different here in Maine. That's it. That's all.
I am NOT deemed a predator, nor do I have ANY restrictions on where I can go, who I can be around or things I must adhere to like probation, therapy, etc... I am FREE and have NO STATE GUIDED RESTRICTIONS or RESPONSIBILITIES, except what any other law abiding citizen has.
My past is always being used as a way to attack or discredit my testimony and silence me; when in fact, it only strengthens my testimony and gives proof of what this cult does to youth. I can NOT be silenced and I WILL NOT be silenced. I will keep exposing the agenda of this cult until it is stopped!" end quote