Children Are Being Assaulted! Minds Are Being Raped! Hearts Are Being Darkened!
The lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult damaged me severely by the age of 10 as I believed the lie that I was a girl trapped in a boy body. I had numerous sex partners, had been molested several times and was just a shell of the once happy little boy that dwelled within.
As a child that was groomed I believed that sex was love. I was starving for male affirmation, predators knew that I was a target. I was so sexualized by age 10 that I would even seek out molesters in seedy public bathrooms or at bus stops just to feel some sense of male attention.
By 11 or 12 I was sneaking out late nights, doing drugs & alcohol while engaging in sexual acts with adults, youth and anyone that was ready, willing or able.
Age 13 I overdosed on pills. While I would be suicidal for many years to come, and while I would attempt it a few more times, I thought about it a lot and I definitely used those thoughts & feelings to my own advantage to "get my way" or to be pitied. There is a very powerful victimhood you possess when you have a mental condition. The threat of suicide is emotional blackmail.
By 14 my only aspiration was to be the best hooker I could be as a homeless runaway HIV+ prostitute addict buying & using wrong-sex hormones on the black market. Spiraling into the demented emotional rollercoaster. I was a boy being invaded with synthetic poisons in the hopes of being what I could never be. In the hopes of becoming what I could never become.
Childhood??? What's that?!! I am not familiar.
Please heed my words. I'm telling you all what I know to be. This is not just my experience, but the experience of way too many victims of this cult.
Please do not sacrifice your children to the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult. Please!
The lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult damaged me severely by the age of 10 as I believed the lie that I was a girl trapped in a boy body. I had numerous sex partners, had been molested several times and was just a shell of the once happy little boy that dwelled within.
As a child that was groomed I believed that sex was love. I was starving for male affirmation, predators knew that I was a target. I was so sexualized by age 10 that I would even seek out molesters in seedy public bathrooms or at bus stops just to feel some sense of male attention.
By 11 or 12 I was sneaking out late nights, doing drugs & alcohol while engaging in sexual acts with adults, youth and anyone that was ready, willing or able.
Age 13 I overdosed on pills. While I would be suicidal for many years to come, and while I would attempt it a few more times, I thought about it a lot and I definitely used those thoughts & feelings to my own advantage to "get my way" or to be pitied. There is a very powerful victimhood you possess when you have a mental condition. The threat of suicide is emotional blackmail.
By 14 my only aspiration was to be the best hooker I could be as a homeless runaway HIV+ prostitute addict buying & using wrong-sex hormones on the black market. Spiraling into the demented emotional rollercoaster. I was a boy being invaded with synthetic poisons in the hopes of being what I could never be. In the hopes of becoming what I could never become.
Childhood??? What's that?!! I am not familiar.
Please heed my words. I'm telling you all what I know to be. This is not just my experience, but the experience of way too many victims of this cult.
Please do not sacrifice your children to the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult. Please!