I have spoken/testified at a lot of board meetings, school board meetings, political bills, hearings, etc... but some things are the same no matter where I have went, or who the crowd was.
I watch as boys & girls and men & women go to the microphone and regurgitate incorrect statistics & standardized responses that they are force fed by the lgbTQia TransQueer Cult. But most importantly, I watch individuals voice their thoughts & feelings in defense of their new "family," the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult and in defense of their new "identities" that their new "family" has so graciously provided them.
As I looked around those rooms I am devastated. I see so many different stages of my own journey through deception, confusion, transgenderism, abuse, being a cult member and advocate all being represented in these confused, controlled and conned young men and women taht are there to defend their thoughts & feelings. I see boys in different stages of confusion and chaos. Girls that want to be boys suffering in an existence that has yet to give them fulfilment. Men and women living vicariously through the youth they are preying on while claiming to protect them.
There are men dressed like women that called themselves transgender women. Some of those men are not gender dysphoric, but are AGP, autogynephiles, which is a man that is sexually aroused by wearing women's clothing or fantasizing about himself being a woman. Sadly, the average person doesn't know what being AGP means, or if being gender dysphoric is the same as having a paraphilia or fetish.
There is even a tug of war amongst the trans-identified individuals because gender-dysphoric persons do not want the AGP, fetishists or those who suffer from various paraphilias to be able to make the claim of being "trans." It is a slippery slope when it comes to the Trans-Umbrella. See Blog Post ~ TransQueer Agenda Exposed
I had never used the men's room with so many women before until I started to showing up to testify at these political hearings, it is odd to say the least. It always gives me a moment to ponder just how uncomfortable, it is when youth are forced to endure opposite sex individuals in their own private spaces like the bathroom, locker rooms, spas or showers. I would think that it would be much more traumatic for youth than for adults because there is a lingering stigma that tells them if they speak out against this movement then they will be targeted, humiliated, singled out and who knows what would happen to them. A sad situation.
I remember watching three young men, that were in various stages of transitioning, and thinking that I could see myself in each of them at some point in my confused reckless teenage years. One was so uncomfortable in his own skin that he kept as much of it as he possibly could hidden. He had gloves on that hid his hands, except the fingertips were cut off of the gloves to show his painted fingernails. He had a mask on over his high necked sweater so all that was visible were his make-up laden eyes and some of his rouge covered cheeks. Any skin that was able to be seen was also covered in tattoos or with jewelry.
How much more do they have to holler? How much louder must they scream? Who is going to hear them? Most importantly, who is going to help them? The ones with all of the power have the real control over each of these misled misfits. The powers that be do not care if you vote for parental rights, you will still be kept in the dark. The powers that be don't care if you vote to stop medicalizing, butchering, sterilizing and sacrificing children, they will still trans your children! Believe that.
I remember there was a case-manager who told a story about a school that helped a teenager to be placed on wrong-sex hormone therapy. The committee asked her to submit proof. While she had no physical proof, there is no doubt in my mind that it actually happened. I do know that teachers and counselors have already taken it upon themselves to invite Planned Parenthood and other evil organizations into their classrooms, private offices, and in groups where false information, wrong-sex hormones and puberty blockers have been given to children, just like predatory drug-dealers. All done without parents consent or knowledge. It happens, this I know for a fact!
There was a father that spoke, he was in full drag. He claimed to be transgender; he talked about his children who were also enveloped by this delusional and emotionally driven choo choo train. Hop on board kids! Daddy is going to take you for a ride, straight into the dark abyss of defiance and rebellion to all that is. My heart was twisted and my stomach turned as he made these claims. All I could think was, "Doesn't anyone else actually hear what he is saying?! This is child abuse!!" But nobody else seemed to care, or maybe they didn't care enough to react and be deemed a bigot, hypocrite or transphobe, or maybe they feared this dark satanic cult of death, suicide, intimidation and perversion.
We cannot please everyone. Nor should we. We will not all agree on everything. Nor should we. We must all know there are moral laws by which we live. Whether you believe in GOD or not, we all have a sense of what is right and what is wrong that dwells somewhere in us, it is programmed into us from creation. I know that the weight of oppression has caused that to be buried deep in some folks, while others have been brainwashed to believe there is no moral authority in their life except what their cult thinks or feels is appropriate or not.
I once claimed to "feel like a woman" for over 20 years. That was not only absurd but impossible. Having never actually been a woman, I could not possibly know what a woman "feels like." Then there is the fact that being a woman is not a feeling but a reality. A biological reality. A male can never be a woman no matter how many pills, shots, procedures or surgeries he has. He will always be a man. Some will be men that have mutilated their genitalia with the lies of "gender affirmation surgery!"
One young man said he didn't "feel like a man" because he was a woman and so he had to fix the outside to match the inside. To bad for him that he didn't have any adults in his life that cared enough to tell him that he could only "feel like a man" because he is a man. He has over 6,500 chromosome markers in his body that make him distinctly male.
I feel the pain, confusion and the anguish in those hearings, school board meetings or wherever I am where there is a group of folks who have been bamboozled by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult. It reminds me that those individuals are being exploited by one of the darkest movements this world has ever encountered. The lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult is, in fact, the largest mass of political evil ever known to mankind. Never has a more unstable, unethical, delusional, gross, uncaring, and hateful experiment ever been subjected onto children or those who are weak, weary, worn, challenged or mentally unstable.
Targeting children, preying on them, desensitizing them, sexualizing, butchering, devouring, victimizing, mutilating, demoralizing, grooming and blatantly abusing children. Doing this right in front of the rest of the world while we all sit back, complain, blog, protest, march, yell, whine and pussyfoot around like wimps. It is time for some serious action. It is time to unite, regardless of whether or not you agree on someone else's religion, beliefs or politics. Stand as one, push back and stop this genocide of youth. More specifically, mentally ill youth that are being exploited because of their disorders, comorbidities and desire to belong.
Honestly, the absolute only answer right now is to take your child out of public government run schools and homeschool! There are solutions for those who truly want to save children. There are also a lot of excuses out there for those who aren't so true in their claims.
As a detransitioner (EXtrans) that was targeted and groomed, that also became a groomer as well as a criminal, addict and mentally unstable man in distress and in a dress, I am making myself available for parents, citizens, ministries, fellowships, organizations, and whoever else that wishes to gain insight, ask questions, hear testimony or talk about solutions in the moment as well as in a time such as this.
I watch as boys & girls and men & women go to the microphone and regurgitate incorrect statistics & standardized responses that they are force fed by the lgbTQia TransQueer Cult. But most importantly, I watch individuals voice their thoughts & feelings in defense of their new "family," the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult and in defense of their new "identities" that their new "family" has so graciously provided them.
As I looked around those rooms I am devastated. I see so many different stages of my own journey through deception, confusion, transgenderism, abuse, being a cult member and advocate all being represented in these confused, controlled and conned young men and women taht are there to defend their thoughts & feelings. I see boys in different stages of confusion and chaos. Girls that want to be boys suffering in an existence that has yet to give them fulfilment. Men and women living vicariously through the youth they are preying on while claiming to protect them.
There are men dressed like women that called themselves transgender women. Some of those men are not gender dysphoric, but are AGP, autogynephiles, which is a man that is sexually aroused by wearing women's clothing or fantasizing about himself being a woman. Sadly, the average person doesn't know what being AGP means, or if being gender dysphoric is the same as having a paraphilia or fetish.
There is even a tug of war amongst the trans-identified individuals because gender-dysphoric persons do not want the AGP, fetishists or those who suffer from various paraphilias to be able to make the claim of being "trans." It is a slippery slope when it comes to the Trans-Umbrella. See Blog Post ~ TransQueer Agenda Exposed
I had never used the men's room with so many women before until I started to showing up to testify at these political hearings, it is odd to say the least. It always gives me a moment to ponder just how uncomfortable, it is when youth are forced to endure opposite sex individuals in their own private spaces like the bathroom, locker rooms, spas or showers. I would think that it would be much more traumatic for youth than for adults because there is a lingering stigma that tells them if they speak out against this movement then they will be targeted, humiliated, singled out and who knows what would happen to them. A sad situation.
I remember watching three young men, that were in various stages of transitioning, and thinking that I could see myself in each of them at some point in my confused reckless teenage years. One was so uncomfortable in his own skin that he kept as much of it as he possibly could hidden. He had gloves on that hid his hands, except the fingertips were cut off of the gloves to show his painted fingernails. He had a mask on over his high necked sweater so all that was visible were his make-up laden eyes and some of his rouge covered cheeks. Any skin that was able to be seen was also covered in tattoos or with jewelry.
How much more do they have to holler? How much louder must they scream? Who is going to hear them? Most importantly, who is going to help them? The ones with all of the power have the real control over each of these misled misfits. The powers that be do not care if you vote for parental rights, you will still be kept in the dark. The powers that be don't care if you vote to stop medicalizing, butchering, sterilizing and sacrificing children, they will still trans your children! Believe that.
I remember there was a case-manager who told a story about a school that helped a teenager to be placed on wrong-sex hormone therapy. The committee asked her to submit proof. While she had no physical proof, there is no doubt in my mind that it actually happened. I do know that teachers and counselors have already taken it upon themselves to invite Planned Parenthood and other evil organizations into their classrooms, private offices, and in groups where false information, wrong-sex hormones and puberty blockers have been given to children, just like predatory drug-dealers. All done without parents consent or knowledge. It happens, this I know for a fact!
There was a father that spoke, he was in full drag. He claimed to be transgender; he talked about his children who were also enveloped by this delusional and emotionally driven choo choo train. Hop on board kids! Daddy is going to take you for a ride, straight into the dark abyss of defiance and rebellion to all that is. My heart was twisted and my stomach turned as he made these claims. All I could think was, "Doesn't anyone else actually hear what he is saying?! This is child abuse!!" But nobody else seemed to care, or maybe they didn't care enough to react and be deemed a bigot, hypocrite or transphobe, or maybe they feared this dark satanic cult of death, suicide, intimidation and perversion.
We cannot please everyone. Nor should we. We will not all agree on everything. Nor should we. We must all know there are moral laws by which we live. Whether you believe in GOD or not, we all have a sense of what is right and what is wrong that dwells somewhere in us, it is programmed into us from creation. I know that the weight of oppression has caused that to be buried deep in some folks, while others have been brainwashed to believe there is no moral authority in their life except what their cult thinks or feels is appropriate or not.
I once claimed to "feel like a woman" for over 20 years. That was not only absurd but impossible. Having never actually been a woman, I could not possibly know what a woman "feels like." Then there is the fact that being a woman is not a feeling but a reality. A biological reality. A male can never be a woman no matter how many pills, shots, procedures or surgeries he has. He will always be a man. Some will be men that have mutilated their genitalia with the lies of "gender affirmation surgery!"
One young man said he didn't "feel like a man" because he was a woman and so he had to fix the outside to match the inside. To bad for him that he didn't have any adults in his life that cared enough to tell him that he could only "feel like a man" because he is a man. He has over 6,500 chromosome markers in his body that make him distinctly male.
I feel the pain, confusion and the anguish in those hearings, school board meetings or wherever I am where there is a group of folks who have been bamboozled by the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult. It reminds me that those individuals are being exploited by one of the darkest movements this world has ever encountered. The lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult is, in fact, the largest mass of political evil ever known to mankind. Never has a more unstable, unethical, delusional, gross, uncaring, and hateful experiment ever been subjected onto children or those who are weak, weary, worn, challenged or mentally unstable.
Targeting children, preying on them, desensitizing them, sexualizing, butchering, devouring, victimizing, mutilating, demoralizing, grooming and blatantly abusing children. Doing this right in front of the rest of the world while we all sit back, complain, blog, protest, march, yell, whine and pussyfoot around like wimps. It is time for some serious action. It is time to unite, regardless of whether or not you agree on someone else's religion, beliefs or politics. Stand as one, push back and stop this genocide of youth. More specifically, mentally ill youth that are being exploited because of their disorders, comorbidities and desire to belong.
Honestly, the absolute only answer right now is to take your child out of public government run schools and homeschool! There are solutions for those who truly want to save children. There are also a lot of excuses out there for those who aren't so true in their claims.
As a detransitioner (EXtrans) that was targeted and groomed, that also became a groomer as well as a criminal, addict and mentally unstable man in distress and in a dress, I am making myself available for parents, citizens, ministries, fellowships, organizations, and whoever else that wishes to gain insight, ask questions, hear testimony or talk about solutions in the moment as well as in a time such as this.