Some people stumble into sin. Some fall. Some jump. While others play around on the edges, seeing how close they can get to it without actually doing it, until they plunge right back into the cesspools that once held them captive.
Poof~Boom~Bam! It really can be that simple. It happened with me... I kept seeing how "strong" I was and how close I could get without falling... until I fell! Head first!
The very first thing we must do, when coming out of the world, out of the strongholds, perversions, addictions, habits and sin is admit that we are powerless. We must admit that our lives are unmanageable without JESUS The CHRIST. This is not a suggestion, this is a must!
One way to test whether you have done this or need to give it more work is to see how you view the world. Do you look on it with dread or with longing? Do you miss it or are you overjoyed to no longer be a part of it?
Some people, secretly longing for it rather than fearing sin, try to see how close they can get to it without an actual fall. They maintain friendships with those who have chosen to continue in sin and who try to tempt them to do it too. They participate in immoral, unholy & spiritually unbeneficial things. They go to secular movies & watch television programs that are ungodly and full of what The Word demands we steer clear from. Foolishly thinking, "I got this" we end up playing around the edges of sin, only to be amazed & so shocked when we fall in. Then we are stunned at how difficult it really is to get back out of that cesspool of deception!
Outside of JESUS The CHRIST, we are powerless over sin and the god of this world! Some of us never really grasp this concept. This teaches that to try to get near sin without committing it is as sensible as trying to see how near you can get to a grizzly bear without becoming its next meal!
The one who has accepted that they are powerless and has developed a sense of the terrible, destructive power that sin can exercise over their life, stays as far away from it as is humanly possible.
If you don’t want to fall/stumble, then stay away from those people, places & things that will stir in you a sense of false boldness to see how close you can get to the sin without actually sinning. That's just a simple & practical way of stating the reality that Freedom speaks to.
Accept that you are powerless outside of JESUS The CHRIST. Do this over again thoroughly, thoughtfully & prayerfully. Remember that you are powerless and remember your emotional unmanageability and beware. The CHRIST has been crucified, this ole flesh has not! We must do this on a daily basis or we will fall/stumble into depravity and past deceptions.
"Put ye on the LORD JESUS The CHRIST, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof" ~ Romans 13:14.
Oh Precious FATHER, Will we ever learn? Please teach us, by YOUR Holy Spirit and through YOUR Word, in context, how helpless we are against the flesh, the world and our adversary that is just waiting to pounce & devour each of. Please teach us to abide in YOU and to keep as much distance between ourselves and sin as is humanly possible.
Allow us to learn from YOUR Holy Spirit rather than from bitter experience. Thank YOU, FATHER, for all of the Blessings YOU bestow upon us all. I Praise & Glorify YOU and I Pray in The Precious Name of YOUR Son, YESHUA, JESUS The CHRIST. Amen.
Reading Romans Chapter 13….
Poof~Boom~Bam! It really can be that simple. It happened with me... I kept seeing how "strong" I was and how close I could get without falling... until I fell! Head first!
The very first thing we must do, when coming out of the world, out of the strongholds, perversions, addictions, habits and sin is admit that we are powerless. We must admit that our lives are unmanageable without JESUS The CHRIST. This is not a suggestion, this is a must!
One way to test whether you have done this or need to give it more work is to see how you view the world. Do you look on it with dread or with longing? Do you miss it or are you overjoyed to no longer be a part of it?
Some people, secretly longing for it rather than fearing sin, try to see how close they can get to it without an actual fall. They maintain friendships with those who have chosen to continue in sin and who try to tempt them to do it too. They participate in immoral, unholy & spiritually unbeneficial things. They go to secular movies & watch television programs that are ungodly and full of what The Word demands we steer clear from. Foolishly thinking, "I got this" we end up playing around the edges of sin, only to be amazed & so shocked when we fall in. Then we are stunned at how difficult it really is to get back out of that cesspool of deception!
Outside of JESUS The CHRIST, we are powerless over sin and the god of this world! Some of us never really grasp this concept. This teaches that to try to get near sin without committing it is as sensible as trying to see how near you can get to a grizzly bear without becoming its next meal!
The one who has accepted that they are powerless and has developed a sense of the terrible, destructive power that sin can exercise over their life, stays as far away from it as is humanly possible.
If you don’t want to fall/stumble, then stay away from those people, places & things that will stir in you a sense of false boldness to see how close you can get to the sin without actually sinning. That's just a simple & practical way of stating the reality that Freedom speaks to.
Accept that you are powerless outside of JESUS The CHRIST. Do this over again thoroughly, thoughtfully & prayerfully. Remember that you are powerless and remember your emotional unmanageability and beware. The CHRIST has been crucified, this ole flesh has not! We must do this on a daily basis or we will fall/stumble into depravity and past deceptions.
"Put ye on the LORD JESUS The CHRIST, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof" ~ Romans 13:14.
Oh Precious FATHER, Will we ever learn? Please teach us, by YOUR Holy Spirit and through YOUR Word, in context, how helpless we are against the flesh, the world and our adversary that is just waiting to pounce & devour each of. Please teach us to abide in YOU and to keep as much distance between ourselves and sin as is humanly possible.
Allow us to learn from YOUR Holy Spirit rather than from bitter experience. Thank YOU, FATHER, for all of the Blessings YOU bestow upon us all. I Praise & Glorify YOU and I Pray in The Precious Name of YOUR Son, YESHUA, JESUS The CHRIST. Amen.
Reading Romans Chapter 13….