I Am Jazz Truth Packet
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I Am Jazz ~ The Truth About Gender Dysphoria and Children: This Packet Includes An Endocrinologist’s Evaluation of the book, ‘I am Jazz’
I Am Jazz contains both false information & very troubling omissions. Children who are experiencing gender dysphoria will likely be harmed by this book, as will children who do not have the condition.
☐ I Am Jazz actually works against educating children about gender dysphoria
☐ The book I Am Jazz, by Jazz Jennings / Jessica Herthel, contains a number of factual inaccuracies & significant omissions. I’m very concerned that children or even adults who read this book will be given false ideas about transgenderism.
☐ Inaccuracy #1: Jazz states: “I have a girl brain in a boy body.” Jazz later goes to the doctor says, “the doctor spoke to my parents and I heard the word ‘transgender’ for the very first time.”
The Facts: The book is written in a way to make you believe that Jazz was diagnosed as transgender. But this is not a diagnosis. The medical diagnosis is gender dysphoria. A biological male feeling and believing himself to be a girl and the distress that accompanies these feelings & beliefs is an example of gender dysphoria Gender dysphoria is never mentioned in the book.
☐ Inaccuracy #2: According to Jazz, “I have a girl brain but a boy body. This is called transgender. I was born this way!”
The Facts: The “born this way” narrative contradicts known medical facts. Gender identity is defined as the innate sense that one feels one is male or female (or some combination of the two).
☐ Inaccuracy #3: Jazz says: “I have a girl brain.”
The Facts: As to Jazz having a “girl brain,” consider, that since Jazz is male, every cell of his brain has an X and a Y chromosome (whereas a girl brain would have two X chromosomes).
Therefore Jazz in fact has a “boy brain” right down to the very level of the DNA. It is his mind that is giving him the trouble. This is a psychological condition, rather than a biological one.
I Am Jazz presents false information to children and parents. People with gender dysphoria are not “born that way.” Jazz was born with a male brain that has not changed physically into a female brain. There are numerous psychological and social factors that account for the condition of gender dysphoria in children.
The authors fail to mention that Jazz suffers from depression.
70 percent of people with gender dysphoria suffer from mental illness. The most common include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and dissociative disorder.
Jazz has depression. Many people who identify as transgender never find out until it is too late that their gender dysphoria is actually closely tied in with a mental health condition.
Walt Heyer is an author who has journeyed from male to female and back to male again. He had surgical and hormonal therapy and lived that way for many years. The first physician he saw for this condition sadly never looked further into his psychiatric conditions.
Walt was eventually diagnosed with dissociative disorder. He also had problems with substance abuse and was abused as a child. In other words, numerous psychological / social factors contributed to his gender dysphoria.
The suicide rate of transgenders is alarmingly high. 90% of suicides are associated with a psychiatric condition. The risk of suicide coincides of course with the high prevalence of mental illness in this group of people. Depression, for example, is present in at least 50% of those who commit suicides.
David Arthur, www.ibelongAmen.com states that the suicide rate does NOT go down with acceptance, but merely gets “paused” while the acceptance creates a euphoric satisfaction. However, when the individual realizes they are still broken, confused and depressed (etc...) the suicidal tendencies come back and more intense.
This David knows from his own experience and as an EX-transgender.
The American public has been led to believe that the primary cause of transgender suicide is bullying and mistreatment by society. The facts are quite different.
Jazz is currently being given hormone blockers to stop him from going through normal puberty development. These powerful hormones (drugs) arrest the normal development of boys into fully developed men and of girls into fully developed women.
In other words, Jazz is now a teenager who has not been allowed to go through puberty. Many physicians and therapists from across the political spectrum are critical of affirming children as transgender and of the use of puberty blockers.
This includes organizations such as the “left-leaning, open-minded, and pro-gay rights” group youthtranscriticalprofessionals.org and the right leaning American College of Pediatricians.
By current protocol, children with gender dysphoria are given these powerful hormones at around age 8. This is entirely too young for them to understand the implications of what will happen to their minds and bodies. Time is required for maturity of the developing adolescent mind, and hormones play an important role in this development.
For Jazz, not taking these drugs/hormones would have allowed normal production of testosterone and would further the development of his adolescent brain and very likely lead him to different conclusions regarding his gender.
Jazz will need to have his child-sized penis surgically destroyed to create a false vagina. What type of surgical procedure(s) is Jazz considering for the treatment of gender dysphoria?
Typically, surgery turning a male into a trans-female (DNA still is male, regardless of hormones & surgeries) involves dissecting the penis, turning the skin inside out, and placing it into a surgically created cavity to create a false vagina. After surgery, a dilator has to be placed in this artificial vagina to keep it from collapsing.
But Jazz has a problem. Since he still has a small child-sized penis (because of puberty blockers), he does not have enough skin to line the false vagina. Potential remedies include sewing in a section of intestine along with the penis skin to make the false vagina.
Jazz is actually offered two different surgeries: one surgery to create the false vagina and a second surgery two months later to attempt to form the labia. The need for two dangerous surgeries instead of one is directly related to the effects of puberty blockers.
Jazz currently suffers from sexual dysfunction and will likely have permanent damage. The effects of puberty-blocking agents (started in early adolescent development) on long-term sexual function seem to be largely unstudied. However, from interviews with Jazz’s surgeons, one can deduce the almost certain loss of sexual function. Or more accurately, the sexual development of the genitalia has not been allowed to occur in Jazz and never will occur under the current circumstances.
Anyone taking puberty blockers will be rendered permanently infertile. The estrogen received will allow for breast development. However, the testicles are unable to produce sperm capable of fertilizing an ovum.
In fact, it is not even possible to store sperm for use in future fertility, because it has never been given the opportunity to develop within a child’s testicles. Once he has surgery to remove his testicles, he will be forever infertile, with no chance to produce biological offspring.
Is this a decision that any adolescent child has the maturity and insight to make? I do not believe so.
This is another reason that the use of puberty blocking agents in adolescents is highly unethical. There is a high level of substance abuse among people who identify as transgender. Studies show that people who identify as transgender are at increased risk of drug and alcohol abuse and that LGBT people “enter treatment with more severe substance abuse problems, greater psychopathology, and greater medical service utilization when compared with heterosexual clients.”
Again, this is understandable when one considers the degree of mental illness in gender dysphoric individuals. These substances may be used as coping mechanisms.
Additionally, some children who grow up to identify as transgender have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused, which again is correlated with substance abuse disorders. There are a number of serious health risks associated with taking cross-sex hormones.
For males to take female hormones, such as estrogen, or females to take a male hormone, such as testosterone, is not without considerable health risk. Males taking female hormones are at high risk for blood clots, which may be fatal if lodged in the lungs.
They are also at increased risk for breast cancer, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, gallstones, osteoporosis, high levels of the lactation hormone prolactin and a host of other dangerous side-effects and diseases.
Females taking male hormones are at high risk for erythrocytosis (having a higher than normal number of red blood cells). They are also at increased risk for severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension and breast or uterine cancer.
There is very little information on the use of these blockers on brain development, but the studies we do have show potential for cognitive impairment.
The mortality rate of those who identify as transgender is three times higher than that of the general population. This should be a cause for alarm.
Much of the increased risk of death has to do with the suicide rate. But the multitude of other health risks just mentioned play a role as well. The FDA demands rigorous studies to be done on medications / devices before they come to market.
Many treatments never come to market because of poor study outcomes. Of those treatments that are made available, many are still pulled from the market or receive changes in labeling on account of serious adverse reactions. If such rigorous studies were performed on transgender hormone therapy and surgeries/procedures, then these too would never be approved for use because of the severe health outcomes including death.
Michael K. Laidlaw, MD: Dr. Laidlaw, a board certified Endocrinologist states, “Given the multitude of health risks, potential infertility, and sexual dysfunction associated with the hormonal and surgical treatment of gender dysphoria, I could not in good conscience recommend these treatments to any child or adolescent."
"The book, “I Am Jazz” contains false information and very troubling omissions. For these reasons, the book is not appropriate for children of any age. Children experiencing gender dysphoria will be harmed by this book, as will children who do not have the condition. It is possible that with proper therapy the child’s gender dysphoria could be alleviated. He could then be allowed to regain his masculine identity and therefore not suffer the very troubling life of transgenderism, with all its risks of increased mortality, suicide, mental illness, substance abuse, infertility, and other grave conditions detailed above."
If you want to know the Truth about something you do not go to those who are pridefully and arrogantly promoting it, nor do you go to someone who has never experienced it. You go to those who have been there and done that.
For More Information: David Arthur of I Belong Amen Ministries ~ spent 30+ years as lgbt and is now EX-lgbt. As a victim of sexual molestation, with no father figure in his life, David ended up on his death bed with full blown AIDS after decades of advocating for the lgbt community. David can be reached at [email protected] or www.ibelongAmen.com
Laura Perry spent many years as “Jake”, a trans-male, who had her breasts removed and a hysterectomy but yet still did not “feel” like a male. Because she wasn’t. She is now living as Laura once again and happier than ever before! www.TransgenderToTransformed.com
There is an entire community of EX-lgbt out there just waiting to sit down and speak of the many dangers attached to that lifestyle choice. It really is a choice. Many chose to do it for decades, and now they choose not to.
David Arthur was “born that way”, and JESUS told him to “Be Born Again”. He was and now is living proof that being homosexual or transgender is absolutely mutable, and Freedom is not only obtainable but means Life and Joy like nothing you’ve ever known!
“Behold, now is the accepted time: Behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
JESUS also said to, “Deny Yourself” if you choose to follow HIM. Matthew 16:24
Struggling? Looking for that “Joy” and that “something more” that you know is out there? You just don’t know where it is or how to obtain it... and that is okay, because all you need to do is reach out.
Take the first step and reach out to someone who can relate to you, and your trauma & life experience.
I Am Jazz contains both false information & very troubling omissions. Children who are experiencing gender dysphoria will likely be harmed by this book, as will children who do not have the condition.
☐ I Am Jazz actually works against educating children about gender dysphoria
☐ The book I Am Jazz, by Jazz Jennings / Jessica Herthel, contains a number of factual inaccuracies & significant omissions. I’m very concerned that children or even adults who read this book will be given false ideas about transgenderism.
☐ Inaccuracy #1: Jazz states: “I have a girl brain in a boy body.” Jazz later goes to the doctor says, “the doctor spoke to my parents and I heard the word ‘transgender’ for the very first time.”
The Facts: The book is written in a way to make you believe that Jazz was diagnosed as transgender. But this is not a diagnosis. The medical diagnosis is gender dysphoria. A biological male feeling and believing himself to be a girl and the distress that accompanies these feelings & beliefs is an example of gender dysphoria Gender dysphoria is never mentioned in the book.
☐ Inaccuracy #2: According to Jazz, “I have a girl brain but a boy body. This is called transgender. I was born this way!”
The Facts: The “born this way” narrative contradicts known medical facts. Gender identity is defined as the innate sense that one feels one is male or female (or some combination of the two).
☐ Inaccuracy #3: Jazz says: “I have a girl brain.”
The Facts: As to Jazz having a “girl brain,” consider, that since Jazz is male, every cell of his brain has an X and a Y chromosome (whereas a girl brain would have two X chromosomes).
Therefore Jazz in fact has a “boy brain” right down to the very level of the DNA. It is his mind that is giving him the trouble. This is a psychological condition, rather than a biological one.
I Am Jazz presents false information to children and parents. People with gender dysphoria are not “born that way.” Jazz was born with a male brain that has not changed physically into a female brain. There are numerous psychological and social factors that account for the condition of gender dysphoria in children.
The authors fail to mention that Jazz suffers from depression.
70 percent of people with gender dysphoria suffer from mental illness. The most common include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and dissociative disorder.
Jazz has depression. Many people who identify as transgender never find out until it is too late that their gender dysphoria is actually closely tied in with a mental health condition.
Walt Heyer is an author who has journeyed from male to female and back to male again. He had surgical and hormonal therapy and lived that way for many years. The first physician he saw for this condition sadly never looked further into his psychiatric conditions.
Walt was eventually diagnosed with dissociative disorder. He also had problems with substance abuse and was abused as a child. In other words, numerous psychological / social factors contributed to his gender dysphoria.
The suicide rate of transgenders is alarmingly high. 90% of suicides are associated with a psychiatric condition. The risk of suicide coincides of course with the high prevalence of mental illness in this group of people. Depression, for example, is present in at least 50% of those who commit suicides.
David Arthur, www.ibelongAmen.com states that the suicide rate does NOT go down with acceptance, but merely gets “paused” while the acceptance creates a euphoric satisfaction. However, when the individual realizes they are still broken, confused and depressed (etc...) the suicidal tendencies come back and more intense.
This David knows from his own experience and as an EX-transgender.
The American public has been led to believe that the primary cause of transgender suicide is bullying and mistreatment by society. The facts are quite different.
Jazz is currently being given hormone blockers to stop him from going through normal puberty development. These powerful hormones (drugs) arrest the normal development of boys into fully developed men and of girls into fully developed women.
In other words, Jazz is now a teenager who has not been allowed to go through puberty. Many physicians and therapists from across the political spectrum are critical of affirming children as transgender and of the use of puberty blockers.
This includes organizations such as the “left-leaning, open-minded, and pro-gay rights” group youthtranscriticalprofessionals.org and the right leaning American College of Pediatricians.
By current protocol, children with gender dysphoria are given these powerful hormones at around age 8. This is entirely too young for them to understand the implications of what will happen to their minds and bodies. Time is required for maturity of the developing adolescent mind, and hormones play an important role in this development.
For Jazz, not taking these drugs/hormones would have allowed normal production of testosterone and would further the development of his adolescent brain and very likely lead him to different conclusions regarding his gender.
Jazz will need to have his child-sized penis surgically destroyed to create a false vagina. What type of surgical procedure(s) is Jazz considering for the treatment of gender dysphoria?
Typically, surgery turning a male into a trans-female (DNA still is male, regardless of hormones & surgeries) involves dissecting the penis, turning the skin inside out, and placing it into a surgically created cavity to create a false vagina. After surgery, a dilator has to be placed in this artificial vagina to keep it from collapsing.
But Jazz has a problem. Since he still has a small child-sized penis (because of puberty blockers), he does not have enough skin to line the false vagina. Potential remedies include sewing in a section of intestine along with the penis skin to make the false vagina.
Jazz is actually offered two different surgeries: one surgery to create the false vagina and a second surgery two months later to attempt to form the labia. The need for two dangerous surgeries instead of one is directly related to the effects of puberty blockers.
Jazz currently suffers from sexual dysfunction and will likely have permanent damage. The effects of puberty-blocking agents (started in early adolescent development) on long-term sexual function seem to be largely unstudied. However, from interviews with Jazz’s surgeons, one can deduce the almost certain loss of sexual function. Or more accurately, the sexual development of the genitalia has not been allowed to occur in Jazz and never will occur under the current circumstances.
Anyone taking puberty blockers will be rendered permanently infertile. The estrogen received will allow for breast development. However, the testicles are unable to produce sperm capable of fertilizing an ovum.
In fact, it is not even possible to store sperm for use in future fertility, because it has never been given the opportunity to develop within a child’s testicles. Once he has surgery to remove his testicles, he will be forever infertile, with no chance to produce biological offspring.
Is this a decision that any adolescent child has the maturity and insight to make? I do not believe so.
This is another reason that the use of puberty blocking agents in adolescents is highly unethical. There is a high level of substance abuse among people who identify as transgender. Studies show that people who identify as transgender are at increased risk of drug and alcohol abuse and that LGBT people “enter treatment with more severe substance abuse problems, greater psychopathology, and greater medical service utilization when compared with heterosexual clients.”
Again, this is understandable when one considers the degree of mental illness in gender dysphoric individuals. These substances may be used as coping mechanisms.
Additionally, some children who grow up to identify as transgender have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused, which again is correlated with substance abuse disorders. There are a number of serious health risks associated with taking cross-sex hormones.
For males to take female hormones, such as estrogen, or females to take a male hormone, such as testosterone, is not without considerable health risk. Males taking female hormones are at high risk for blood clots, which may be fatal if lodged in the lungs.
They are also at increased risk for breast cancer, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, gallstones, osteoporosis, high levels of the lactation hormone prolactin and a host of other dangerous side-effects and diseases.
Females taking male hormones are at high risk for erythrocytosis (having a higher than normal number of red blood cells). They are also at increased risk for severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension and breast or uterine cancer.
There is very little information on the use of these blockers on brain development, but the studies we do have show potential for cognitive impairment.
The mortality rate of those who identify as transgender is three times higher than that of the general population. This should be a cause for alarm.
Much of the increased risk of death has to do with the suicide rate. But the multitude of other health risks just mentioned play a role as well. The FDA demands rigorous studies to be done on medications / devices before they come to market.
Many treatments never come to market because of poor study outcomes. Of those treatments that are made available, many are still pulled from the market or receive changes in labeling on account of serious adverse reactions. If such rigorous studies were performed on transgender hormone therapy and surgeries/procedures, then these too would never be approved for use because of the severe health outcomes including death.
Michael K. Laidlaw, MD: Dr. Laidlaw, a board certified Endocrinologist states, “Given the multitude of health risks, potential infertility, and sexual dysfunction associated with the hormonal and surgical treatment of gender dysphoria, I could not in good conscience recommend these treatments to any child or adolescent."
"The book, “I Am Jazz” contains false information and very troubling omissions. For these reasons, the book is not appropriate for children of any age. Children experiencing gender dysphoria will be harmed by this book, as will children who do not have the condition. It is possible that with proper therapy the child’s gender dysphoria could be alleviated. He could then be allowed to regain his masculine identity and therefore not suffer the very troubling life of transgenderism, with all its risks of increased mortality, suicide, mental illness, substance abuse, infertility, and other grave conditions detailed above."
If you want to know the Truth about something you do not go to those who are pridefully and arrogantly promoting it, nor do you go to someone who has never experienced it. You go to those who have been there and done that.
For More Information: David Arthur of I Belong Amen Ministries ~ spent 30+ years as lgbt and is now EX-lgbt. As a victim of sexual molestation, with no father figure in his life, David ended up on his death bed with full blown AIDS after decades of advocating for the lgbt community. David can be reached at [email protected] or www.ibelongAmen.com
Laura Perry spent many years as “Jake”, a trans-male, who had her breasts removed and a hysterectomy but yet still did not “feel” like a male. Because she wasn’t. She is now living as Laura once again and happier than ever before! www.TransgenderToTransformed.com
There is an entire community of EX-lgbt out there just waiting to sit down and speak of the many dangers attached to that lifestyle choice. It really is a choice. Many chose to do it for decades, and now they choose not to.
David Arthur was “born that way”, and JESUS told him to “Be Born Again”. He was and now is living proof that being homosexual or transgender is absolutely mutable, and Freedom is not only obtainable but means Life and Joy like nothing you’ve ever known!
“Behold, now is the accepted time: Behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
JESUS also said to, “Deny Yourself” if you choose to follow HIM. Matthew 16:24
Struggling? Looking for that “Joy” and that “something more” that you know is out there? You just don’t know where it is or how to obtain it... and that is okay, because all you need to do is reach out.
Take the first step and reach out to someone who can relate to you, and your trauma & life experience.
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