There is another kind of hangover which we all experience whether we are drinking or not. That is the emotional hangover, the direct result of yesterdays, sometimes today's and even the worry of tomorrow's excesses. If we would live serenely today & tomorrow, we might eliminate these hangovers. This requires an admission & correction of errors.
I met a man whose life is riddled with fear. He is always running away from problems which usually get worse through his neglect. Rather than face the people he has offended and make the amends that might restore the relationships, he hides from them. Is there any hope that a man like this will ever become fear-free?
The Truth is that there is a great deal of Hope for him. The antidote to fear is Faith in GOD, and the Truth which is the foundation of the Trust that conquers fear. Since our sins, addictions, vices & strongholds are often the dirt in which fear grows, taking a moral inventory; confessing what we find to GOD, our-selves, and other human beings; while humbly asking GOD to remove our defects of character can help cleanse the soil of our life so that fear will be unable to take root. If we sincerely seek to make amends to those we have offended, many will forgive us and receive us back into their hearts as soon as they are assured that we are sincere.
The question we must ask ourselves is, "What do I need to do about it starting today, and will I do it?"
Dear FATHER in Heaven, Will I ever learn that the "easier, softer way" is always a blind alley? Please help me to walk a solid & grounding walk which takes no shortcuts, but does an honest job looking to YOU in Faith. Grant that as I do this, fear will be overcome so that healthy friendships & relationships may flourish as I am healed of those defects & fears. Don't let me put this off one more day! Thank YOU for all the YOU are and all that YOU have always been, but most of all, Thank YOU for what YOU shall always remain, my LORD, my GOD. Praising & Glorifying YOU always! I Pray to YOU, in The Precious & Mighty Name of YOUR Son, YESHUA, JESUS The CHRIST. Amen.
Reading Matthew 25:1-30 this morning….
I met a man whose life is riddled with fear. He is always running away from problems which usually get worse through his neglect. Rather than face the people he has offended and make the amends that might restore the relationships, he hides from them. Is there any hope that a man like this will ever become fear-free?
The Truth is that there is a great deal of Hope for him. The antidote to fear is Faith in GOD, and the Truth which is the foundation of the Trust that conquers fear. Since our sins, addictions, vices & strongholds are often the dirt in which fear grows, taking a moral inventory; confessing what we find to GOD, our-selves, and other human beings; while humbly asking GOD to remove our defects of character can help cleanse the soil of our life so that fear will be unable to take root. If we sincerely seek to make amends to those we have offended, many will forgive us and receive us back into their hearts as soon as they are assured that we are sincere.
The question we must ask ourselves is, "What do I need to do about it starting today, and will I do it?"
Dear FATHER in Heaven, Will I ever learn that the "easier, softer way" is always a blind alley? Please help me to walk a solid & grounding walk which takes no shortcuts, but does an honest job looking to YOU in Faith. Grant that as I do this, fear will be overcome so that healthy friendships & relationships may flourish as I am healed of those defects & fears. Don't let me put this off one more day! Thank YOU for all the YOU are and all that YOU have always been, but most of all, Thank YOU for what YOU shall always remain, my LORD, my GOD. Praising & Glorifying YOU always! I Pray to YOU, in The Precious & Mighty Name of YOUR Son, YESHUA, JESUS The CHRIST. Amen.
Reading Matthew 25:1-30 this morning….