Was I a suicidal transkid? Yes. But I was also suicidal as a trans-adult because affirmation, validation, acceptance, wrong-sex hormones, puberty blockers, procedures, "GAC" or surgeries do NOT take away the angst, depression, misery, brokenness, comorbidities, suicidal ideation or the distress of being victimized; affirmation of any type only makes it all worse.
I was suicidal for so many years that I only know that I attempted it a few times, thought about it a lot, and I also used suicidal ideation, or threat, to my own advantage to "get my way" or to be pitied. There is a very powerful feeling within victimhood that you possess when you have a mental condition like confusion, perversion, delusions, addictions, etc. We express our "victimhood" by lashing out at self and others.
One of the many lies that the lgbTQia+ trans-queer gender ideology rainbow cult uses is; if you do not accept, affirm, validate, promote, encourage and celebrate the unrealistic fantasy that your child, friend or loved one is trapped in, then you will be partly, or wholly, responsible if that person commits, or attempts to commit, suicide. Nonsense!
Lies! Guilted Lies!!! That is NOT true and it is a diabolical, sensitive and fragile technique that wreaks havoc on families & relationships more than any other method or lie used by this cult! From my own life experiences and knowledge, as well as the thousands of males & females that I have known, spoken to or befriended, being depressed and suicidal does not "go away" or diminish with acceptance, validation or affirmation. It actually gets paused, but remains, until it returns... with a vengeance.
With the newfound affirmation there seems to be a period of euphoria that the individual experiences. I have experienced this a few times; each time thinking and believing I've finally found the joy I was seeking, only for reality to rear it's head eventually and knock me back down, letting me know I hadn't found squat!
This "experience" of euphoria seems promising to the loved ones as they may not agree but do not want to lose the individual to suicide or any other means that have been tossed out there to guilt or shame the family or friends into acceptance of the delusion. But, it isn't long before this individual recognizes that they are still the same broken, confused, depressed, hurting, suicidal and delirious person that they were before everyone started giving them props for their disorder/condition (dysphoria is a disorder, making it a condition).
The individual, upon realization of this, then spirals into the depths of darkness & angst, wanting even more to end their life. Wanting even more to saturate themselves in the cesspools of the rainbow cult and it's deadly ideology.
While it is very real that many trans-identified persons are or become more suicidal, this thought process is absolutely used to the advantage of the individual suffering from the condition for the main purpose of getting attention, being affirmed and desperately trying to further their walk as the person they believe themselves to be. Don't be confused by this, it is misusing very real depression & thoughts to their advantage. Manipulation.
This condition is also used by the cult itself; to utilize these victims of the cult, these pawns, to do it's bidding and to continue to push it's agenda.
Most of those that are trapped in the delusions of transgenderism are sincere in their thoughts & feelings. They sincerely believe themselves to be whatever they think or feel they are; or whatever they are taught or told they are (which is happening more & more).
I wanted to give some insight on this guilting & shaming of parents and loved ones into that web of deception because I once was that suicidal transkid (and the suicidal trans-adult) and I have attempted to take my own life. However, those attempts were just that, attempts! I wanted attention and for people to feel sorry for me so they would have no other choice but to accept, validate, condone, promote and celebrate who and what I believed myself to be!
In many cases, the threat of suicide is just that, a threat. The threat is emotional blackmail. It is meant to guilt you or shame you into letting your guard down and giving in to the make believe delusions of that mentally ill individual.