Most of us are impatient. We hate to wait. We're used to minute rice, instant pudding, fast food, and movies on demand. We quickly ask, "How long?" We even ask it of GOD Almighty in a bitter and self-pitying tone!
"How long?", asked Abraham, who, when he was seventy-five years old and childless, was promised, "I will make you into a great nation" (Genesis 12:2). He waited twenty-five years before the child of promise, Isaac, was born (Genesis 21:5), and there was still more to wait for! How did he manage it? Well, "he staggered not at the promise of GOD through unbelief; but was strong in Faith, giving Glory to GOD; being fully persuaded that what HE had promised, HE was able also to perform" (Romans 4:20-21).
"How long?", asked David, who, when only sixteen, was anointed by Samuel at GOD Almighty’s direction to be king over Israel (1 Samuel 16:1-13). He did not immediately ascend the throne, but waited some fifteen years while serving King Saul despite danger and provocation and spending years in the wilderness, running from place to place like a hunted animal, as a jealous Saul tried to kill him. David waited many years before he received what was promised and, like Abraham, did so by Faith (Hebrews 11:32-33).
"How long?", asked Paul, who, for a quarter of a century served The CHRIST despite great deprivation and suffering only to be arrested, imprisoned, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death for the crime of proclaiming JESUS The CHRIST as LORD & SAVIOR! See him sitting in a dark prison cell awaiting the headsman who is to execute him. Is he disheartened? Has he given up on GOD Almighty? He has not!
Hear Paul! "I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which The LORD, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that Love HIS appearing" (2Timothy 4:6-8).
And what about you? Will you Trust GOD Almighty while HE works HIS Good, Acceptable & Perfect Will in you until HE has formed your soul to HIS plan, or will you turn your back on HIM?
Dear FATHER in Heaven, My GOD! My GOD! Please forgive my impatience and weakness of Faith at times. Please give to me the Grace to persevere and Trust YOU, I will experience the fulfillment of all YOUR promises when YOU know I am ready to do so. Please help me to gladly accept YOUR timetable rather than sullenly demand mine. Thank YOU for all YOU provide every single moment of every single day. I Pray to YOU, in The Name of YESHUA, JESUS The CHRIST. Amen.
Reading Luke 8:1-15
"How long?", asked Abraham, who, when he was seventy-five years old and childless, was promised, "I will make you into a great nation" (Genesis 12:2). He waited twenty-five years before the child of promise, Isaac, was born (Genesis 21:5), and there was still more to wait for! How did he manage it? Well, "he staggered not at the promise of GOD through unbelief; but was strong in Faith, giving Glory to GOD; being fully persuaded that what HE had promised, HE was able also to perform" (Romans 4:20-21).
"How long?", asked David, who, when only sixteen, was anointed by Samuel at GOD Almighty’s direction to be king over Israel (1 Samuel 16:1-13). He did not immediately ascend the throne, but waited some fifteen years while serving King Saul despite danger and provocation and spending years in the wilderness, running from place to place like a hunted animal, as a jealous Saul tried to kill him. David waited many years before he received what was promised and, like Abraham, did so by Faith (Hebrews 11:32-33).
"How long?", asked Paul, who, for a quarter of a century served The CHRIST despite great deprivation and suffering only to be arrested, imprisoned, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death for the crime of proclaiming JESUS The CHRIST as LORD & SAVIOR! See him sitting in a dark prison cell awaiting the headsman who is to execute him. Is he disheartened? Has he given up on GOD Almighty? He has not!
Hear Paul! "I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which The LORD, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that Love HIS appearing" (2Timothy 4:6-8).
And what about you? Will you Trust GOD Almighty while HE works HIS Good, Acceptable & Perfect Will in you until HE has formed your soul to HIS plan, or will you turn your back on HIM?
Dear FATHER in Heaven, My GOD! My GOD! Please forgive my impatience and weakness of Faith at times. Please give to me the Grace to persevere and Trust YOU, I will experience the fulfillment of all YOUR promises when YOU know I am ready to do so. Please help me to gladly accept YOUR timetable rather than sullenly demand mine. Thank YOU for all YOU provide every single moment of every single day. I Pray to YOU, in The Name of YESHUA, JESUS The CHRIST. Amen.
Reading Luke 8:1-15