This is a letter/email that I am sending out to all legislators and activist groups. It is a compilation of blog posts and testimony, but praying it is powerful enough to move them and prick their hearts into action.
Hello, I am here to provide information that is not so easily available or provided by many others. You will get bits and pieces from other sources, but please allow me to give you a very no holds barred plethora of information that you can utilize... or not. That depends on you!
The lgbTQia TransQueer Agenda is very real, and it is not going anywhere just because of some Executive Order or memo from the boss. This cult has its talons embedded into the public government school system, society, and culture more than any other movement ever in history! And they mean business.
How do I know? I was a targeted, desensitized, victimized, sexualized, criminalized child victim of this movement beginning 45+ years ago! I was the "suicidal transkid" always being tossed into the debates & arguments to further the TransQueer Agenda.
I was also a suicidal trans-adult because affirmation, transition, acceptance, wrong-sex hormones, diversity, equity, and inclusivity do not remove depression, angst, trauma, pain, brokenness, or suicidal tendencies. In fact, those latter issues are only worsened with the former.
I was a member/advocate of/for the TransQueer Rainbow Movement for 30+ years. I was on wrong-sex hormones at age 14. I was HIV/AIDS positive at age 14. I was targeted, sexualized, sex-trafficked, criminalized and perverted by this cult of death, suicide and pederasty. I was a dysphoric youth trying to hide in a false identity because being me meant pain, hurt, betrayal and being a victim. Victimization and victim-mentality are very real. All of these comorbidities and underlying issues the youth suffer from now, are the actual basis for the abnormal condition of mental confusion (DYSphoria) they suffer.
Please Heed These Words... You Must Do Your Part To Stop This Assault On Children, Society, Culture, Women, Biology and Humankind! You will NOT be getting another chance if we squander away the reprieve we have been blessed with in having Trump win the election. The war is not over. This cult will not stop because of an EO or because some bills are passed, it must be outlawed, jailed and then those individuals that have been bamboozled must be given the mental health care they so desperately need.
I was trans-identified for 20+ years! I did not just live a lie, I BECAME THE LIE! I was perverted, trafficked and severely abused by the "trusted adults" in my life... teachers, neighbors, a parent of a friend, relatives, and others. I became an agent for my handlers, and I assisted in the recruiting of other youth. I did so as a youth and as a young adult.
I know this movement from the inside out. I know how it operates and why it does what it does. I am telling you that this movement WILL destroy anyone in its path, especially children! Why are the politicians and law-makers so intrigued by this movement? How are educators, or anyone that claims to care about the safety and health of children, pushing this agenda? I can tell you how the TransQueer Agenda has gained so much legal, social and cultural protections... please allow me to shine some light on that for you;
As a former Trans-Prostitute most of my clients were men in power. Many of my clients were AGP, transvestites, fetishists, perverted into Sado-Masochism & Bondage/Discipline. These men were judges, lawyers, CEOs, influential local authorities (law officers, a fire chief, etc), politicians, law-makers, bill writers, even a few actors from Hellywood.
Anyone that stands up to defend, protect, encourage, promote or celebrate the TransQueer Agenda, the assault on children, furthering mental illness, and the sexualization of children is a threat to all of the weak, worn, vulnerable people they come into contact with. Any judge that rules in favor of this cult is suffering with a paraphilia. Any politician that votes in favor of this cult has been infiltrated and perverted themselves. There are no other reasons for anyone to promote, encourage, celebrate or push this diabolical agenda unless they are truly bamboozled by the emotional blackmail of this cult or they are pedophiles or pedo-apologists, even those who are tainted by "donations" and fees have been corrupted into this war against youth.
While “gender-dysphoria” or “gender identity disorder” is a mental disorder in & of itself, there are other mental disorders that fall under the same trans umbrella because the individuals suffering from these mental and sexual disorders can identify as “trans” or “gender-dysphoric” or “transgender” or "queer" etc... etc... etc...
AGP or autogynephilia – Males that are sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as women (but do not actually want to become women) and/or wearing women's clothing (especially undergarments).
Transvestites – Males/Females that are sexually aroused by wearing opposite-sex clothing.
Fetishists – a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc
What is a "paraphilia?"
Paraphilia - condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme and/or dangerous activities. *Some examples of paraphilias: pedophilia, rape, AGP, bestiality, transvestism, and this list can go on and on.*
Those who suffer with these conditions, or paraphilias, are also those who fall under that bright, colorful & shiny “TransQueer Rainbow Umbrella” and these individuals can, and do, label themselves as "trans." These are the individuals that are fighting viciously to be allowed in women's bathrooms, spas, lockerrooms, showers, clubs and even women's prison cells!
The judges, politicians (local & federal), lawmakers, CEO’s of million/billion dollar companies, actors, influential wealthy people and let's not forget the medical professionals. Many of these men suffer one or more of those paraphilias mentioned above, and these men are not standing against the immorality of transitioning, mutilating, sterilization or butchering of children, or even allowing males into female spaces because they themselves (these men in power) are saturated in the perversions of TransQueer deviance and other sexual perversions.
The immoral find it extremely hard, if not impossible, to stand up against immorality no matter how much they may disagree with it! As porn has enveloped the world; those individuals too suffer from perversion. When someone dwells in immorality they will not stand against immorality out of fear their own perversions will be revealed. Same reason why so many do not want Epstein's "list" to be revealed.
Whether these men suffer from a paraphilia named above or are consumed by another mental disorder like pedophilia, porn-addiction, satanic-ritual-abuse (SRA), narcissisms, sex-trafficking, sexual abuse, and the list goes on; these men are laughing behind closed doors as they promote, push, fund, affirm, encourage and celebrate these attacks on children; this includes pushing bills and passing laws that further the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda that give extra/special rights to mentally disabled individuals. ALL trans-identified people have a mental disorder and need HELP, NOT HORMONES!
When do we start to protect the mentally ill from having their mental illness untreated, promoted, encouraged, pushed and affirmed? Aren't there laws that protect the mentally disabled from being exploited? Aren't there laws that protect children from being targeted and preyed upon?
As a former transgender individual and a former trans-prostitute of MANY years; I have seen, dealt with, and befriended many of these men that I have mentioned above. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that you would be shocked at just how many married, clean-cut, successful men, even some sitting in chambers voting on laws & bills, are wearing women’s panties, garters or stockings underneath their business suits, judges robes, uniforms, etc…
These men have been my clients and I know how warped and demented these men are, and can be! I have personally experienced the perversions, the outrage and the very dangerous physical attacks of some of my clients to where I thought my life would end. I've had judges, lawyers, powerful businessmen, politicians, even a few Hellywood actors, etc etc etc... come into my home or motel room and take off their manly clothing only to reveal women's lingerie. Some of these men were wearing their own wives' panties & undergarments.
Many of them are creating bills and passing laws to protect this ungodly and perverted cult. Some have even "come out" as trans and put on a good act for society, remaining the tortured perverted men they are. Trust me when I say that these men are so perverted that their judgement should be questioned on every single topic! Plus, these men should not be trusted with or around children or women.
How many principals in the public/government school system are secretly wearing women’s panties at work?? They are being constantly sexually aroused as they gently and innocently rest their hand on a child’s shoulder or as they pat a child on the head. What comes next?
How many teachers suffer from paraphilias that are going untreated as these sexually obsessive desires grow out of control? How many children sit in their classrooms being lusted after? Is this a chance anyone is willing to take? Especially during a time when pornographic/obscene materials are being presented to children, in the name of 'art,' around every corner in culture, society and in their classrooms!
How many judges are hearing cases of children victimized and then allow their ruling to be influenced by the stirring in their loins, as they sit on the bench wearing women’s stockings under their robes: sexually aroused?
How many women will be locked in a cell tonight with a male (that identifies as trans) that has committed heinous sex crimes against women and/or children? How many of those women will be raped, impregnated or worse? One would be too many, or should I say ONE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
How many politicians or law-makers will cast their vote to further the lgbTQia+ Trans Queer Rainbow Agenda while enveloped in their own sexually immoral fetishes, lusts, fantasies or desires?
Honestly, how many people do you think would stand up against immorality and the sexualization of children while they suffer from a mental disorder or paraphilia that would place them under the protection of that bright, glittery, colorful Rainbow Umbrella? Some of them wish they could "come out" as well, but since they don’t (because of their own moral compass) they will promote, encourage, vote for, affirm and celebrate the chaos and turmoil parading around as “diversity, equity and inclusivity.”
Please heed these words. I don't claim to have all of the answers but THIS I know, and I know it very well. My proof? My past! As a registered sex-offender I can attest to the recruiting, sex-trafficking, deviant targeting of youth this cult is all about. THIS is where I can be of use. As an EX-trans and as a victim that spent 30+ years enveloped in that perversion, as a man that identified as a transwoman for over 20 years, as one that has learned more about this cult than most, and as one that is ready, willing & able to expose this dark mass of political wickedness.... PLEASE take this information and utilize it.
Please Read My Blog For More Info and Details... HERE
Some of you may remember my earlier "pro-gay" conservative testimonies at the state house, or even been on my mailing list at one time or another. I am here to provide information that no other ex-gay/ex-trans person is going to be willing to provide so easily and openly. Yes, I said EX-gay. I've surrendered my entire life to The LORD JESUS and am not holding onto any false identities. I am only here to provide vital information to those who are serious about stopping the TransQueer agenda and stopping this war on society, culture, and the youth!
Need more background on me? HERE YA GO!
Hello, I am here to provide information that is not so easily available or provided by many others. You will get bits and pieces from other sources, but please allow me to give you a very no holds barred plethora of information that you can utilize... or not. That depends on you!
The lgbTQia TransQueer Agenda is very real, and it is not going anywhere just because of some Executive Order or memo from the boss. This cult has its talons embedded into the public government school system, society, and culture more than any other movement ever in history! And they mean business.
How do I know? I was a targeted, desensitized, victimized, sexualized, criminalized child victim of this movement beginning 45+ years ago! I was the "suicidal transkid" always being tossed into the debates & arguments to further the TransQueer Agenda.
I was also a suicidal trans-adult because affirmation, transition, acceptance, wrong-sex hormones, diversity, equity, and inclusivity do not remove depression, angst, trauma, pain, brokenness, or suicidal tendencies. In fact, those latter issues are only worsened with the former.
I was a member/advocate of/for the TransQueer Rainbow Movement for 30+ years. I was on wrong-sex hormones at age 14. I was HIV/AIDS positive at age 14. I was targeted, sexualized, sex-trafficked, criminalized and perverted by this cult of death, suicide and pederasty. I was a dysphoric youth trying to hide in a false identity because being me meant pain, hurt, betrayal and being a victim. Victimization and victim-mentality are very real. All of these comorbidities and underlying issues the youth suffer from now, are the actual basis for the abnormal condition of mental confusion (DYSphoria) they suffer.
Please Heed These Words... You Must Do Your Part To Stop This Assault On Children, Society, Culture, Women, Biology and Humankind! You will NOT be getting another chance if we squander away the reprieve we have been blessed with in having Trump win the election. The war is not over. This cult will not stop because of an EO or because some bills are passed, it must be outlawed, jailed and then those individuals that have been bamboozled must be given the mental health care they so desperately need.
I was trans-identified for 20+ years! I did not just live a lie, I BECAME THE LIE! I was perverted, trafficked and severely abused by the "trusted adults" in my life... teachers, neighbors, a parent of a friend, relatives, and others. I became an agent for my handlers, and I assisted in the recruiting of other youth. I did so as a youth and as a young adult.
I know this movement from the inside out. I know how it operates and why it does what it does. I am telling you that this movement WILL destroy anyone in its path, especially children! Why are the politicians and law-makers so intrigued by this movement? How are educators, or anyone that claims to care about the safety and health of children, pushing this agenda? I can tell you how the TransQueer Agenda has gained so much legal, social and cultural protections... please allow me to shine some light on that for you;
As a former Trans-Prostitute most of my clients were men in power. Many of my clients were AGP, transvestites, fetishists, perverted into Sado-Masochism & Bondage/Discipline. These men were judges, lawyers, CEOs, influential local authorities (law officers, a fire chief, etc), politicians, law-makers, bill writers, even a few actors from Hellywood.
Anyone that stands up to defend, protect, encourage, promote or celebrate the TransQueer Agenda, the assault on children, furthering mental illness, and the sexualization of children is a threat to all of the weak, worn, vulnerable people they come into contact with. Any judge that rules in favor of this cult is suffering with a paraphilia. Any politician that votes in favor of this cult has been infiltrated and perverted themselves. There are no other reasons for anyone to promote, encourage, celebrate or push this diabolical agenda unless they are truly bamboozled by the emotional blackmail of this cult or they are pedophiles or pedo-apologists, even those who are tainted by "donations" and fees have been corrupted into this war against youth.
While “gender-dysphoria” or “gender identity disorder” is a mental disorder in & of itself, there are other mental disorders that fall under the same trans umbrella because the individuals suffering from these mental and sexual disorders can identify as “trans” or “gender-dysphoric” or “transgender” or "queer" etc... etc... etc...
AGP or autogynephilia – Males that are sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as women (but do not actually want to become women) and/or wearing women's clothing (especially undergarments).
Transvestites – Males/Females that are sexually aroused by wearing opposite-sex clothing.
Fetishists – a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc
What is a "paraphilia?"
Paraphilia - condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme and/or dangerous activities. *Some examples of paraphilias: pedophilia, rape, AGP, bestiality, transvestism, and this list can go on and on.*
Those who suffer with these conditions, or paraphilias, are also those who fall under that bright, colorful & shiny “TransQueer Rainbow Umbrella” and these individuals can, and do, label themselves as "trans." These are the individuals that are fighting viciously to be allowed in women's bathrooms, spas, lockerrooms, showers, clubs and even women's prison cells!
The judges, politicians (local & federal), lawmakers, CEO’s of million/billion dollar companies, actors, influential wealthy people and let's not forget the medical professionals. Many of these men suffer one or more of those paraphilias mentioned above, and these men are not standing against the immorality of transitioning, mutilating, sterilization or butchering of children, or even allowing males into female spaces because they themselves (these men in power) are saturated in the perversions of TransQueer deviance and other sexual perversions.
The immoral find it extremely hard, if not impossible, to stand up against immorality no matter how much they may disagree with it! As porn has enveloped the world; those individuals too suffer from perversion. When someone dwells in immorality they will not stand against immorality out of fear their own perversions will be revealed. Same reason why so many do not want Epstein's "list" to be revealed.
Whether these men suffer from a paraphilia named above or are consumed by another mental disorder like pedophilia, porn-addiction, satanic-ritual-abuse (SRA), narcissisms, sex-trafficking, sexual abuse, and the list goes on; these men are laughing behind closed doors as they promote, push, fund, affirm, encourage and celebrate these attacks on children; this includes pushing bills and passing laws that further the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda that give extra/special rights to mentally disabled individuals. ALL trans-identified people have a mental disorder and need HELP, NOT HORMONES!
When do we start to protect the mentally ill from having their mental illness untreated, promoted, encouraged, pushed and affirmed? Aren't there laws that protect the mentally disabled from being exploited? Aren't there laws that protect children from being targeted and preyed upon?
As a former transgender individual and a former trans-prostitute of MANY years; I have seen, dealt with, and befriended many of these men that I have mentioned above. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that you would be shocked at just how many married, clean-cut, successful men, even some sitting in chambers voting on laws & bills, are wearing women’s panties, garters or stockings underneath their business suits, judges robes, uniforms, etc…
These men have been my clients and I know how warped and demented these men are, and can be! I have personally experienced the perversions, the outrage and the very dangerous physical attacks of some of my clients to where I thought my life would end. I've had judges, lawyers, powerful businessmen, politicians, even a few Hellywood actors, etc etc etc... come into my home or motel room and take off their manly clothing only to reveal women's lingerie. Some of these men were wearing their own wives' panties & undergarments.
Many of them are creating bills and passing laws to protect this ungodly and perverted cult. Some have even "come out" as trans and put on a good act for society, remaining the tortured perverted men they are. Trust me when I say that these men are so perverted that their judgement should be questioned on every single topic! Plus, these men should not be trusted with or around children or women.
How many principals in the public/government school system are secretly wearing women’s panties at work?? They are being constantly sexually aroused as they gently and innocently rest their hand on a child’s shoulder or as they pat a child on the head. What comes next?
How many teachers suffer from paraphilias that are going untreated as these sexually obsessive desires grow out of control? How many children sit in their classrooms being lusted after? Is this a chance anyone is willing to take? Especially during a time when pornographic/obscene materials are being presented to children, in the name of 'art,' around every corner in culture, society and in their classrooms!
How many judges are hearing cases of children victimized and then allow their ruling to be influenced by the stirring in their loins, as they sit on the bench wearing women’s stockings under their robes: sexually aroused?
How many women will be locked in a cell tonight with a male (that identifies as trans) that has committed heinous sex crimes against women and/or children? How many of those women will be raped, impregnated or worse? One would be too many, or should I say ONE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
How many politicians or law-makers will cast their vote to further the lgbTQia+ Trans Queer Rainbow Agenda while enveloped in their own sexually immoral fetishes, lusts, fantasies or desires?
Honestly, how many people do you think would stand up against immorality and the sexualization of children while they suffer from a mental disorder or paraphilia that would place them under the protection of that bright, glittery, colorful Rainbow Umbrella? Some of them wish they could "come out" as well, but since they don’t (because of their own moral compass) they will promote, encourage, vote for, affirm and celebrate the chaos and turmoil parading around as “diversity, equity and inclusivity.”
Please heed these words. I don't claim to have all of the answers but THIS I know, and I know it very well. My proof? My past! As a registered sex-offender I can attest to the recruiting, sex-trafficking, deviant targeting of youth this cult is all about. THIS is where I can be of use. As an EX-trans and as a victim that spent 30+ years enveloped in that perversion, as a man that identified as a transwoman for over 20 years, as one that has learned more about this cult than most, and as one that is ready, willing & able to expose this dark mass of political wickedness.... PLEASE take this information and utilize it.
Please Read My Blog For More Info and Details... HERE
Some of you may remember my earlier "pro-gay" conservative testimonies at the state house, or even been on my mailing list at one time or another. I am here to provide information that no other ex-gay/ex-trans person is going to be willing to provide so easily and openly. Yes, I said EX-gay. I've surrendered my entire life to The LORD JESUS and am not holding onto any false identities. I am only here to provide vital information to those who are serious about stopping the TransQueer agenda and stopping this war on society, culture, and the youth!
Need more background on me? HERE YA GO!