As a registered sex offender I have experienced some serious situations of discrimination, bias and prejudice. This article is not being written for pity, but to awaken people to what is happening in the name of "law, justice & morality". I read an article Jobs For Sex Offenders and I was kinda moved by some of the responses from the public as well as shocked about how misleading the article itself is.
While it is definitely difficult for sex offender registrants to find employment outside of laborious work that some people are not physically/medically capable of, it is also wrong for people to be denied employment because they committed a crime. The world does not believe in Redemption, this I know better than most. The church also has a problem truly believing in redemption as well, and it shows through their words, deeds & actions.
First, I'd like to share my own comment I left on the website/article Jobs For Sex Offenders. And then I would like to address actually being on the sex offender registry and being a man that has been Redeemed and made free from so many different addictions and strongholds that it almost seems like the the path of Righteousness is not always the best path in this world, even amongst the churches of our modern day.
My response/comment to the article linked above...
I live in Maine and have been hired and fired within weeks once the background check was complete (North Energy, Haffners, Tradewinds, Ramada, Giri Hotel Management, McDonalds, Wendys, Circle K, Irving, etc). I have been hired and went to orientation (Kmart, Dollar Tree) and terminated before actually starting work. I have also went to interviews and was asked about my criminal history (Mardens, Renys, Walmart, Dollar General, Freshie's, Shell, etc.) and when I was truthful I was denied the opportunity.
I was a powerful voice of redemption for the church for many years, and have had a ministry that carried me for many years as well. But the ministry can no longer carry me and I cannot find a job anywhere. In 2022, I lost 3 jobs due to my background check. My charge was in 1995 and I took a plea deal as a very young confused trans-identified (mentally ill) person. I have not been in any trouble since I was released from prison in 2006, and had a pretty successful ministry for many years. But still I cannot find a job because nobody will hire a sex offender; which is all some people see when they look at me... even those who know me and know I am not a threat.
I am not able to do landscaping, warehouse work or construction since I damaged my body severely with wrong-sex hormones for many years while I was confused and living as a trans-identified person. I have applied at almost every single company on the list in this article and have either been denied because of my background or denied once the background check was provided. I even had a manager that was fighting for me to keep my job because I was such a good employee, but HR (The Corporation - North Energy/Haffners Oil in MASS.) decided I was expendable because I was a sex offender. It is so sad and frustrating for so many.
Do we have a drug dealers registry? A wife beaters registry? A murderers registry? There are many on the sex offender registry that do not belong on it. While some do belong on the registry, is it really necessary for those not deemed as threats? I am ONLY a lifetime registrant in my state because I came from another state. We need to do better for people who are trying to take care of their homes, families and themselves but are constantly being kicked down by "the system" itself. Some of us do not wanna be dependent on the government to take care of us! - end comment
THAT is my comment/response to the article linked above. Now please give me a few more moments of your time while I address being on the sex offender registry and also being a man that has been Redeemed and made free from so many different addictions and strongholds. Let me also say that my being on the registry has never been a secret or hidden from anyone at anytime. Once I began writing about my life and experiences it has been out there on the world wide web, as well as in print, for many years... around 2010 or so.
I went to speak at a school board meeting as a Christian man that had suffered "gender" identity confusion as well as wrong-sex hormone therapy because I felt it was my duty to be a voice of reason and clarity for those who weren't getting the "whole truth" from the schools or educators of today. I was attacked for being on the sex offender registry, not because of my own personal life story of being gender confused.
I can say one thing about being in the local news, not to mention having my face & information plastered all over the internet by several trans-rights activists, leftists & even by the right - I am NOT a democrat OR a republican, as I am a Christian, at least the reporter for was to the point and did not add any nonsense or "extras".
The original charge was in 1995, and I was 22 years old, "gender" confused (transgender), sexualized, daily drug & alcohol user and a sex addict. I was a runaway & prostitute as well, from age 14. Lived as a trans-identified "woman" for 20+ years. I do not deny what I have done, nor do I have a problem stating that I was not guilty of the actual charge/case I was convicted on. BUT, I was guilty of "recruiting" teenage boys into that dark lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow world of sexualization and promiscuity.
My case went as follows...
I went to Florida to "start over". While there, I befriended a woman who abandoned her 12 year old son at my apartment. When I called Child Protective Services and reported her, word quickly got back to her that I called CPS (The grapevine in the lgbTQia+ TransQueer world is malicious). She came and got the boy that night. The next day I was greeted by two detectives who asked me lots of disturbing questions. They accused me of attempting to molest the 12 year old boy who was left in my home; a boy whom I’d fed and treated as if he were my own family. The boy had obviously been coached as to what to say because these detectives truly thought I was guilty. They didn’t arrest me at that point, but they did tell me not to leave town. So, of course, I left town.
I went back home to Philly. I now had a warrant for my arrest for “lewd and lascivious acts in the presence of a child" because the law says if you run then you must be guilty! That's not always so. Philadelphia welcomed me home with an additional arrest warrant for prostitution.
I was 22 years old, I was a confused, lost, broken trans-identified (gender confused) male living as a "woman" and I was HIV+ since age 14. I was a victim of molestation (several times over) and a victim of that type of deviant behavior many times over as a teen runaway living on the streets of Philadelphia. I was eventually caught & sent to jail. There I became a “commodity.”
Florida warrant; I was eventually extradited to a county jail in Orlando, Florida, where I was not only a commodity, but the new “girl” in town, in the end I was used & abused there as well. Eventually I was released on probation.
The court case: Upon my arrest, my family retained an attorney for me, who came into court, saw me, and told me to take the plea offer the state was offering. She said if I took my case to trial, I would lose without a doubt, because I looked like a woman but I was in fact a man. The attorney told me that from my appearance and proclaimed "transgender" status alone, there was no jury or judge who would look at me as being innocent. In society’s eyes I was a man who had breasts and I would simply be a “sexual freak of nature,” a “pervert” in their eyes.
For those who do not know what a plea offer is, it is an admission of guilt without having to say the word guilty. So I took the plea offer and accepted ten years probation for a crime I did not commit, “a lewd and lascivious act in the presence of a child.”
I have since then come to the conclusion that, even though I was not guilty of the particular crime I was charged, I was indeed guilty of the crime itself in that I was always chasing after teenage boys and luring them into my own dark web of sexual gratification and deception. Not to mention I had a "lover" that was 15 years old when I was 22 years old, so I eventually was able to see what I had done, or took part in, while I was so lost & confused.
In other words, I was a monster. But I made the choice to become a monster, and I know it was a choice, because I would eventually choose not to do any of those things. I also watched how common it was for children to be “recruited” (another word for molested) into that dark movement of deception.
I was far from alone in this. I say this not to shift blame but to make people aware of what is going on. The majority of the dark lgbTQia+ TransQueer Gender movement engages in the sexualization of youth, just look at what's happening today with all of the perversions being allowed into classrooms and libraries. This is one reason so many young people today are on the streets, doing drugs, drinking, being abused, used, and entrapped in porn, sex-trafficking and prostitution, stripping, etc.. because they are victimized by a movement and then revictimized by culture & society that promotes, encourages & celebrates the very movement hellbent on destroying their minds, bodies & souls.
My story is not as uncommon as many would think. Even for the one that has not suffered from gender confusion, being on the sex offender registry is something these individuals deal with every single day of their life. While many folks are happy that sex offender registrants have to struggle, some aren't happy without participating in the struggle and making it more difficult for sex offenders to live normal productive lives. Honestly, I don't know where I would be without my Faith because I have been discarded by culture, society and even some of the church.
Is this a call for me to stand up for these individuals? To get some sort of justice and equality for the very ones that society, culture and the church have deemed as threats or unredeemable? Am I now called to stand for those who have been caught in a web of deception and crime? Some of those on the sex offender registry do belong on some sort of list, but do they all? In my situation, I am only a lifetime registrant because I came from another state. In the state I live in I would've only been a 10 year registrant with the actual charge I was convicted of, but because I came from another state that automatically made me a lifetime registrant.
Each of the sex offender registrants are also charged a yearly or quarterly fee (depending on the state of residence) for the "upkeep of the SOR website". This is also unfair and unjust for men & women that have done their time and have no type of probation or ongoing parole. There is a class-action lawsuit there because offenders/registrants are told if they do not pay the fee then they are in violation. But in violation of what? They've already served their time!
When I reached out to several lawyers, law firms and even the ACLU about this class action suit and this wrong targeting sex offender registrants there were absolutely no responses! Not one of these lawyers that call themselves wanting to fight injustice could see a sex offender as a person that could suffer injustice. And maybe some of them did not want to represent a group of people that culture, society & the church have already deemed as worthless or not worthy of help, protection, rights or even employment.