"There's No Such Thing As Trans!"
"There's No Such Thing As Gender!"
"There's No Such Thing As A Transkid!"
Yeah? Try telling that to those who sincerely believe themselves to be "Gender Confused" or "Trans"
I know it is pretty easy for someone who has never suffered gender-dysphoria to SAY that there's no such thing as "trans" but the fact remains that once those words come from your mouth you lose all power to speak Truth directly into someone that actually suffers from gender dysphoria. Because it is very real.
If your goal is to just be heard, and not to help those that are stuck in this delusion, this mental illness, then keep stating meaningless words. BUT if you are actually trying to wake up the masses that have fell into the slumber of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda, then please heed these words.
One thing I learned quickly, as an EX-Gay, is that when you say "homosexuality is a sin" or "you're gonna burn in hell if your gay," you lose all power and authority to speak directly into that person because they've already tuned you out. You are no longer effective. Homosexuality is not the only addiction/sin I was guilty of, but it was the only one focused on by those trying to minister to me.
Same thing goes for those who are gender dysphoric; if you tell them 1. there's no such thing as gender, and then 2. there's no such thing as trans, then you have already been tuned out. The only thing left to do after that is argue, fuss, debate, and fight! THAT is not how you HELP anyone!
I am not saying you cannot use bold or blunt words, because you absolutely can and should stand firm on truth without causing someone to tune you out and not hear a word you say. I had this conversation with someone recently and he said to me, "well you use harsh words when you speak", and then he told me, "you call them a cult and perverts", which is also correct. I do.
Telling them something they ALREADY KNOW is not the same as telling them THEY DON'T EXIST! And I do not use those words with everyone, all the time. I allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide my steps when ministering, as HE knows who needs more and who needs less.
While many will argue that the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow movement is not a cult, they see it clearly once it is exposed as such. And trust me, they ALL know that their movement is perverted and deviant. Most won't admit it, but they DO know it. After explaining to them what to actually take notice to, it is almost undeniably agreed upon that it IS a cult and/or it IS perverted!
Once again I find myself being the outcast here...
I cannot tell a transkid there is no such thing as a transkid because I WAS a transkid and as deluded as it was, I was consumed by the mental and physical (as well as the spiritual-let's not forget the spiritual warfare) aspects of being a transkid! As a Christian I also recognize the spiritual strongholds and how easily people are demonized by this cult of death and suicide.
I cannot tell a trans-identified person that there is no such thing as trans because I WAS a transgender "woman" in my own thoughts, feelings and world of unrealistic reality! Sincerity!
I cannot tell someone there is no such thing as "gender" when I WAS "gender-dysphoric" for over 20 years. But I can explain to them that realistically human beings do not have "gender" because humans have a sex. Male or female. I can tell them how language has gender, especially foreign languages. I can also tell them where the term "gender" comes from and how the pedophiles; Dr John Money, Volkmar Sigusch, Magnus Hirschfeld, Alfred Kinsey and the rest of the pederasts purposely coined the terms sexual revolution, gender and cissexual to confuse society & culture. Mission Accomplished!
But what I cannot do is tell them that they do not exist!
Our goal is not JUST to expose the darkness of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult, but also to offer Hope and Help to those who have been enveloped by this wicked cult of political agenda and takeover.
So... YOU can do whatever you like, but please do not tell me how to "break it down" or speak on everything I have LIVED and KNOWN my entire life! I am the living, breathing, walking testimony of the deception AND the redemption!
"There's No Such Thing As Gender!"
"There's No Such Thing As A Transkid!"
Yeah? Try telling that to those who sincerely believe themselves to be "Gender Confused" or "Trans"
I know it is pretty easy for someone who has never suffered gender-dysphoria to SAY that there's no such thing as "trans" but the fact remains that once those words come from your mouth you lose all power to speak Truth directly into someone that actually suffers from gender dysphoria. Because it is very real.
If your goal is to just be heard, and not to help those that are stuck in this delusion, this mental illness, then keep stating meaningless words. BUT if you are actually trying to wake up the masses that have fell into the slumber of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda, then please heed these words.
One thing I learned quickly, as an EX-Gay, is that when you say "homosexuality is a sin" or "you're gonna burn in hell if your gay," you lose all power and authority to speak directly into that person because they've already tuned you out. You are no longer effective. Homosexuality is not the only addiction/sin I was guilty of, but it was the only one focused on by those trying to minister to me.
Same thing goes for those who are gender dysphoric; if you tell them 1. there's no such thing as gender, and then 2. there's no such thing as trans, then you have already been tuned out. The only thing left to do after that is argue, fuss, debate, and fight! THAT is not how you HELP anyone!
I am not saying you cannot use bold or blunt words, because you absolutely can and should stand firm on truth without causing someone to tune you out and not hear a word you say. I had this conversation with someone recently and he said to me, "well you use harsh words when you speak", and then he told me, "you call them a cult and perverts", which is also correct. I do.
Telling them something they ALREADY KNOW is not the same as telling them THEY DON'T EXIST! And I do not use those words with everyone, all the time. I allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide my steps when ministering, as HE knows who needs more and who needs less.
While many will argue that the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow movement is not a cult, they see it clearly once it is exposed as such. And trust me, they ALL know that their movement is perverted and deviant. Most won't admit it, but they DO know it. After explaining to them what to actually take notice to, it is almost undeniably agreed upon that it IS a cult and/or it IS perverted!
Once again I find myself being the outcast here...
I cannot tell a transkid there is no such thing as a transkid because I WAS a transkid and as deluded as it was, I was consumed by the mental and physical (as well as the spiritual-let's not forget the spiritual warfare) aspects of being a transkid! As a Christian I also recognize the spiritual strongholds and how easily people are demonized by this cult of death and suicide.
I cannot tell a trans-identified person that there is no such thing as trans because I WAS a transgender "woman" in my own thoughts, feelings and world of unrealistic reality! Sincerity!
I cannot tell someone there is no such thing as "gender" when I WAS "gender-dysphoric" for over 20 years. But I can explain to them that realistically human beings do not have "gender" because humans have a sex. Male or female. I can tell them how language has gender, especially foreign languages. I can also tell them where the term "gender" comes from and how the pedophiles; Dr John Money, Volkmar Sigusch, Magnus Hirschfeld, Alfred Kinsey and the rest of the pederasts purposely coined the terms sexual revolution, gender and cissexual to confuse society & culture. Mission Accomplished!
But what I cannot do is tell them that they do not exist!
Our goal is not JUST to expose the darkness of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult, but also to offer Hope and Help to those who have been enveloped by this wicked cult of political agenda and takeover.
So... YOU can do whatever you like, but please do not tell me how to "break it down" or speak on everything I have LIVED and KNOWN my entire life! I am the living, breathing, walking testimony of the deception AND the redemption!